Monday, April 13, 2009

How Not to Get Scammed

As you probably already know there are many, many scams online today, and it's hard sometimes just by looking at the claim to distinguish whether its a scam or something legitimate. But if you educate yourself a little, you don't have to be a victim to any of these.

Rule #1 is to never, never rush into anything! If its legitimate, it'll still be there waiting for you tomorrow, or the day after, or a week after. Many scammers will use the time is running out tactic to get people to sign up. This is very clever because no one has the time to do a thorough search before the time runs out on whatever scam they're pulling.

Every legit business should have a phone number where you can reach them at. Call this number and see if anyone picks up. If there is someone there have them explain to you how the system works, and ask any questions you may have. If there is no number or no one picks up when you call, then you can be most certain that it is not legitimate.

You always want to ask around. Poke around in marketing forums, or google the keywords used in the title of the opportunity. You'd be surprised at how many honest people there are who will tell you the truth. If it's a scam, someone out there who has been scammed will be more than happy to prevent others from being scammed.

Last but not least, keep in mind that what worked for one person may not work for you and vice versa. Read other people's success stories and find out how the system worked for them. That will give you an idea on whether it will be something that you will enjoy doing, or whether you will succeed as well.

So really it boils down to two things, do your research and then use your common sense to see whether it is something you want to do.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Make a Living Doing What You Love

John Chow is a famous blogger. This is how he makes his living. When he started out he wasn't in it for the money at all. He just wanted to keep an online journal where he could talk about whatever.

Today he's making a living doing what he loves to do...and a fine living I might add. Personally I think it should be everyones goal to make a living doing what we love.

Now some may ask if we all did what we loved would the world still go around? I say "Of course it would!" There are millions of different people all over the world and they all have different interests. I have a friend who loves working in a factory and she will never quit till the day she retires. I've said many times to her, "There has to be something that you'd rather be doing." And she simply says she can't think of anything else.

Another friend loves to clean and cleans for other people...think about it...she loves to scrub toilets for other people! YUCK!!!! Okay maybe she doesn't care for the toilets, but she's a very social person and this gives her a flexible schedule to come and go as she pleases, and she loves it.

Still other people I know love construction. I know one guy who loves the thrill of working on's a dangerous job but he loves it.

So how do you go about making a living doing what you love? It may be easier said than done, but just do it. The internet has made a way for anyone in any niche to make a living online. Honest, it doesn't matter what it is you love to do, there is a market for it online.

If you like construction...start a blog and start writing about it. Share with people what it's like from day to day in the construction world. Then learn to monetize your site with relevant affiliate links or ads. This method can work in any niche that you have an interest in.

Obviously it won't happen overnight, but if you work hard and stick it out it will work. I'm still fairly new to the internet but I got my first paycheck from google about a month ago. I'm still not making my living doing what I love, but I'm well on my way. I encourage you to do the same.

John Chow has a lot of valuable information on his site on how to make money online. He's giving away a free e-book in which he shares his techniques on how he makes money online. I would encourage you to check it out. His site is at: This is not an affiliate link, I have nothing gain whether anyone visits his site or gets his book. But because there is so much valuable information I want to let others know about it so they too can get their hands on it.

Enjoy the blog.