Monday, September 21, 2009

Google Adsense

Google Adsense is a great way to earn extra money online. Some people even make a living with just Adsense! You can always count on Adsense to be there to help you along when all else fails.

But as good as it is it can be a hindrance to a new site. When you have Adsense on your blog or website the Google search engine will take longer to index your site as when you don’t have Adsense. So it’s a good idea to put up your site, wait till you’re ranked by Google and then put up those wonderful ads.

A lot of people like to just put up a site and stick Google ads on there and Google doesn’t like that. The ultimate goal of Google is to send people to reliable websites which will help them find what they are looking for. If Google senses that you only have ads or that your content is not rich it will not send visitors.

So the key is to be patient and fill your site with valuable content before putting up any ads.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


E-books have become increasingly popular overtime and are in my opinion the easiest and cheapest way to deliver or receive information.

I love them because I can read them online without having to leave my home to go to the bookstore or library. Plus they are environmentally friendly and save a lot of trees.

E-books have eliminated the barrier between the author and publisher. Since e-books are so cheap and easy to create, anyone can do it and you don't need anyone else's permission to publish it. If you have an e-book that you want to write, there is nothing stopping you are the master of your universe.

You can write them for fun or for money, and you can write about anything that you want. You can entertain, inform or instruct, and people will love and thank you for it.

You can buy expensive software to help you to create these books or you can download a free program called OpenOffice and it allows you to create professional looking e-books with pictures, hyperlinks and more.