Friday, April 30, 2010

Email Marketing Strategies

Email marketing is a fast way to make money if you have a long list of emails that you can market to. They say the money is in the list, and rightly so. 

With email marketing you need an autoresponder which you can get at a low monthly fee. So you may want to wait until you have a significant amount of traffic coming to your website to be able to make the most out of it.

Send Your Email On A Friday

Sending your emails out on Fridays when people still have money will get you more money than if you send it after they spend it. Plus people are more likley to spend on Fridays or on the weekend than any other day of the week. 

Only Seend To Subscribers

never market to anyone who did not subskribe to your list. If your email ends up in too many spam folders or if people complain you may get suspended form email marketing. 

Never Rent A List 

There are many who will rent or sell you their lists of emails but do not fall for this for these emails were accquerd by sommeone else and perhaps in a totaly different market. So by marketing by these lists you risk your emains ending up in spam folders or people complaining. 

Never Send Dulpicates 

Never send duplicate emails, not even if you send them months apart. You can send a promotion twice only if you have some new information. Otherwise people will be annoyed and will opt out and may even complain. 

Be Thorough

Always be thorough in your product description so that there is no guessing as to what you are offering. The prices should be clear and the information should always be accurate. If you happen to send an email with inaccurate information, make sure that you send a follow-up and correct your mistake.

Catchy Subject Line

Your subject line is the only thing your readers see before they open your email. If this line does not prompt or entice them to open your email, guess where it will end up...that's right in the junk  folder or the trash can.

Don't Email Everyday

Last but not least do not send your emails out every day as this may tire your readers and they may decide not to receive your emails any longer. Once or twice a week is all that you need unless you have important information that you need to get out.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

How Much Can You Make With Freelancing

Freelancing is where you either write or do some other work for another person. This can range from anything like writing short articles to lengthy e-books as well as blogging and using social media to help drive traffic. It is a great way to earn some fast money online until you can get your own web sites up and running.

The amounts that you can make depends on several different factors such as the length of the projects, the person you are working for as well as the type of work. Most freelancers make anywhere between 10 to 20 dollars an hour, and some even make a six figure income in a year. That is a lot to money to be made in one year. 

If you have to do a lot of research for your writing then you will not make that much, but you can still make a comfortable living even if you have to spend a couple hours every day researching. To make the most of your research you can write for several different people using the same research.

Additionally you can also use that same research for yourself to use on your website or to submit to writing platforms where you can earn a residual income for many years to come. This should be your ultimate goal as you may get tired of constantly writing and researching for others, plus it will give you time and the freedom to enjoy a lifestyle of your dreams.  

The amount you can make also depends on how fast you can type. Taking the time to invest in a typing course like Mavis Beacon or any other typing course will be time well spent. Even if you are able to type 60 words per minute you should still take the time to learn how to type faster because your goal should be to be able to type at least 100 words per minute. 

If you are working for someone who has a lot of work and pays well you can even hire others to do some of the smaller jobs and give them a cut of your paycheck.

So if you enjoy writing and don't mind the fact that it involves many hours, then freelancing may be something you will enjoy for many years to come. The best part about freelancing for others is that you set your own hours and work when it suits you.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Why You should Write For Online Writing Platforms

There are many online writing platforms which will help you to showcase your writings and make money in the process of doing so. The money you make in the beginning may hardly seem worth it, but if you continue to contribute to them, it will pay off in the long run.

There are many reasons why you should contribute to these platforms and it is not just to earn a few bucks. Here are some good reasons for you to write for online writing platforms:

Showcase Your Writings

The number one reason why you should spend your time writing for writing platforms is to showcase your work. There is nothing like writing an article and then sit back and listen to others compliment you on your work. 

From time to time you may receive back some honest criticism, but this will only help you to grow, so it should always be welcomed.

Increase Your Traffic

Most writing platforms will allow you to post your links into your articles which will then help you to drive more traffic back to your main website. So the more articles you write the more links you can create to drive lots of free traffic to your site.

Build Back Links

Not only will you be able to drive lots of free traffic to your website, but you will also get more traffic coming from the search engines, because you will rank higher. Any link that you have pointing back to your website is called a back link and the more you have, the better you will do with search engines.

A big plus with these writing platforms is that they rank high in the search engines, so this automatically puts more value on each link, and therefore you can rank even higher.

Earn Money 
Last but not least, you can also earn money on these sites. This is usually with Google Adsense, Kontera, or affiliate programs like Amazon or the Ebay Partner Network. Usually the revenue coming from these websites is not a whole lot at first, so you really need to be patient until you have some established traffic and a readership going.

So there you have four good reasons why you should write for these writing platforms. It may seem like a lot of work, but once you start to see your traffic increase you will make more, and this is where it becomes fun and it's hard to stop.