Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Register with Amazon Associates

Register with Amazon Associates

Amazon offers a very good program which is free to join. They have a wide variety of products ranging from books to electronics and much more.

What I like about Amazon is the various different methods you can take in their program. They give you a variety of links and banner ads which you can use and at the same time they’ll allow you to open up to 100 stores at no cost to you. I recommend that you experiment with these banners and links to see which ones work best.

When you open an Amazon store just follow the step by step instructions, it's not hard to set it up. At the end it will give you a code which you can embed into your website. If you don't have a site, don't worry, just forget about the code for now and grab the link with your affiliate ID and paste it into your blog. Anyone who clicks on that link will be directed to your store just as you designed it. The only downfall is that your affiliate link is visible in the address bar, which doesn't look very neat...but it shouldn't stop people from buying from your store.

If you want to get your own website to host your store, you can do so at fairly good prices. Bluehost or PowWeb will provide you with good services along with low prices. There's also Yahoo, Hostgater, and Hostmonster. Check them out and see which one you like.

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