Thursday, August 7, 2008

Social Networking

Social Networking

Once you've registered with a few advertisers and you've got some content on your blog, you want to start promoting your blog and attracting people to it.

There's many ways to do this but the most fun way is called Social Networking. What you do is you simply register with as many social network sites as you want, and link them back to your blog. Once you have your profile set up, just start inviting people to be your friend. They will then view your profile and hopefully follow your links to your blog, and again hopefully click on your links.

Here are just a few examples of all the sites that are out there.

Yuwie is one of the best new sites out there! They actually pay you just for blogging, getting page views and referring others to the site. Click Here to find out more!

You've probably already heard of MySpace, Facebook, and Flickr; these are all great sites to register with.

You should also create a Squidoo lens. This is also a really great site on which you can earn money on. I would recommend that you also link your social networking sites to your Squidoo.

And then there's Twitter...some people would say it's a waste of time but others love it. This site is a little different in the sense that you continuously update what you’re doing, and then your followers can always know what you’re up to. You can also follow others and know what they are up to as well.

Another great site is YouTube! This site can get you a lot of traffic to your blog if you put up some videos in relation to your blog. So check them out and find out which ones you like, you don’t have to join all of them; just join the ones that you like.

Give it time, as you build your friends lists, your traffic will start to increase.

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