Thursday, December 11, 2008

Learn To Make Your First Dollar Online!

So I haven't been writing for a while...mainly due to the fact that I've been learning a lot about making money online.

I took the 30Day Challenge with Ed Dale back in August and I have to say it is the best thing I have ever done! I learned so much and the best thing is it's all free and he shows you step by step!

It's a course designed for the complete newbie. He teaches how to do market research, how to set up your own blog, how to get back links to your site and many other techniques.

Ed's goal is to help you make your first dollar online, and thus far I have made $76.00. Okay I know that isn't a lot. As a matter of fact it's not even enough to pay for my phone and internet connection, but here's the deal: In the first month I made like 2 bucks, the second month $10.00, in the third month I made just over $20.00 and the fourth month I made just over $30.00.

So what he teaches is the real thing, but you have to work hard! It doesn't come easy especially if you have another job on the side. But I highly recommend it and would encourage everyone who is looking to make money online to give it a try.

To sign up simply go to

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