Monday, March 30, 2009

The Power Of Intention

I just watched the most amazing video called "The Power of Intention" by Dr Wayne Dyer. While I may not agree with everything which he says, I do believe that he has a lot of valuable information which I believe we can all benefit from.

He talks about a source (which I believe is God) but he says it can be anything which you believe it is. The source walks beside us and helps us and is always on our side. And if we work together with this source we can do just about anything we intend to do.

Everything was intended, even things which we don't like, and we need to become one with the source and accept everything from a positive perspective and work with the source...not against it.

All the problems which we face are within us...whether it be with people, our job, or any situation which may arise. We have the power within us to solve the problem whether we believe it or not. We can't expect people or situations to change around us...but we need to change from within.

If you're in a financial rut, you need to focus on your positive intentions to get out of it and it will happen. It almost sounds like magic but really its not. How it works is that if you focus on a positive outcome in any sticky situation...your actions will be positive and productive and eventually you will work your way out of that situation.

I would really encourage you to watch this video even if you don't agree with everything he says...I truly believe it can change your life if you adapt to some of his strategies.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Learn Afflilate Marketing Strategies at Affiliate Summit

Affiliate Summit was founded in 2003 and is growing fast. Twice a year they hold a conference to help educate affiliate marketers, merchants, agents and networks about affiliate marketing.

The conference is split into sessions and each session has its own topic and different speakers. The speakers are well educated and experienced in the field which they are in. Also a lot of these sessions are Q&A in which the audience may ask any questions they may have.

To go to one of these conferences you have to register and you can do that right on their site. They have 3 levels of passes which you can get and the lowest one is only $79.00. For more information and the location visit Affiliate Summit.

And if you don't feel like going they make the videos available to the public afterwards which are then free for everyone. The only downfall is you don't get to participate in asking questions, but nevertheless you can still learn lots.

Right now they have the videos available from the last couple of years, and if you're not sure whether you would want to attend a conference check out some of the videos and go from there.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

What You Should Know Before Buying a Web-Hosting Plan

If you're planning on purchasing a web-hosting account there's a few things you should know before you actually make the purchase. Go ahead and get your domain name before its gone, but hold off just a little on the hosting...unless you know and understand what it is all about.

When I purchased my hosting account I had no idea what it was all about! I managed to figure it out...and still figuring stuff out...but I had days when I just wanted to pull out my hair.

The biggest stress factor was that I had made the purchase with money which I didn't have and now I had no idea how to set it up. I was in a hurry to get it up and going, because I was already paying for it, so naturally I want to get the most for my hard-earned $$$. Because I was in such a hurry I didn't take the time to fully read the owners manual; had I done so I would have saved a lot of time.

But not just that...when I finally dove in it was like an information overload. Here I was over at learning html and css. When I got tired of reading I went over to to learn in a more relaxed fashion which also allowed me to do other things in between, thus saving me some time.

I learned the most from Asib12, he deserves a pat on the back for creating such wonderful step-by-step tutorials. He shows you from the very basic html coding to css, javascript and even shows you how to set up a website from scratch.

So what exactly is it that you should know before buying a web-hosting plan?

Simple, head over to and start studying the free tutorials. Start with the basic html tutorials and work your way up to xml, css, javascript and more! You will find tutorials on every kind of coding which you'll need to set up you site. What I like most about learning at w3schools is the try it yourself editor in which you can put what you have learned to test. Plus at the end of each tutorial you have to option to quiz yourself to see how you're doing.

Next I would also recommend you watch the videos done by Asib12, this isn't necessary, but it does help to better understand when you actually see someone doing it.

Once you have the basics down, you should start planning your site and creating files or pages for your site and saving them in a new folder. Then as you learn more you can add more to each file or page and you don't need any expensive web page editor. All this can be done in note-pad!

Once you are confident that you have mastered the basics you can go ahead and get your web-hosting. I went with godaddy simply because I had heard a lot of good things about them, and they have proven themselves to be a leader in providing reliable and affordable webhosting.

I purchased both my domain and webhosting with them and thus far I am very satisfied with their services. After I had made the purchase they sent a link via e-mail to an e-book which has all the information you need to help you get started. (But you have to read it to benefit from it! lol)

I have also called in several times to ask questions which I should have figured out on my own, but they were more than willing to help me with my problems. They have a 24/7 support line, so you're never alone when help is needed!

It may seem a little scary and overwhelming, but once you have the basics down, although it does get complicated, anyone can learn and set up a web-site from scratch.

Go Daddy $7.49 .com domains 468x60