Monday, March 30, 2009

The Power Of Intention

I just watched the most amazing video called "The Power of Intention" by Dr Wayne Dyer. While I may not agree with everything which he says, I do believe that he has a lot of valuable information which I believe we can all benefit from.

He talks about a source (which I believe is God) but he says it can be anything which you believe it is. The source walks beside us and helps us and is always on our side. And if we work together with this source we can do just about anything we intend to do.

Everything was intended, even things which we don't like, and we need to become one with the source and accept everything from a positive perspective and work with the source...not against it.

All the problems which we face are within us...whether it be with people, our job, or any situation which may arise. We have the power within us to solve the problem whether we believe it or not. We can't expect people or situations to change around us...but we need to change from within.

If you're in a financial rut, you need to focus on your positive intentions to get out of it and it will happen. It almost sounds like magic but really its not. How it works is that if you focus on a positive outcome in any sticky situation...your actions will be positive and productive and eventually you will work your way out of that situation.

I would really encourage you to watch this video even if you don't agree with everything he says...I truly believe it can change your life if you adapt to some of his strategies.

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