Friday, July 11, 2008

Is MLM a scam?

Okay, I have looked into this MLM thing and I just really don't know what to think of it. I mean I'm sure there's people making money but how much did they spend into the system before they actually seen some returns. That's what I'd like to know....but noone out there seems to be willing to share this info.

It's like "sign up for my FREE newsletter or FREE mini course and I'll tell you exactly how I made this much money in one month!" So you sign up, thinking you're going somewhere...and all you get is "buy my book or video it has all the answers!"

I just want 1 marketer to come forward and tell me exactly how much money it takes to get going. Then maybe, I'll register with them.

Okay, I understand when joining, you're like opening your own business...only you have no idea how much this business is going to cost you! Try selling your brick and mortar business without telling your buyer how much you're selling it for! I guarentee it will never work!!

So why are these MLM peole trying to do just that?If there's anyone out there who has an answer please contact me by responding to this post, I would love to hear your opinion...whether you're an entrepeneur or someone else who knows what I'm talking about.

Many Thanks!

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