Sunday, July 20, 2008

MLM vs. Affiliate Marketing

I did some research and I found some similarities and differances between MLM Marketing and Affiliate Marketing. Ok some of the similarities are both methods include the Web2.0 system, which basicly means you have to promote yourself first before you can promote your products.

And both methods have been proven to generate a good, I mean a really good income.

As far as I can tell they both involve selling can sell your own if you want...that's if you have a product. But most people start off by using other people's products.

There's only two differances that I can see so far...and that is in MLM you build a downline for residual income...whereas in Affiliate Marketing you're basically by yourself, and it all depends on how hard you work.

And the real differance is, and this is my favourite: with MLM you pay to get started, but with Affiliate Marketing you don't have to pay a single penny to get started; unless you want to get your own domanin name and website up, which you don't have to do, you can still make money just with blogging.

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