Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Are You Ready For The EzineArticles HAHD Challenge?

EzineArticles is having their third HAHD (100 articles in 100 days) challenge. All you have to do is write and submit 100 articles between Jan. 1 and April 10. The articles have to be 400 words in length, and submitted under the same author name.

So why would you even enter into such a challenge? There are actually several reasons why we should all participate. Reason #1 is that we will get lots of back links to our site. Reason #2 is that it is a challenge which will help us to grow; we will develop writing skills which we didn't think we possessed, and we will learn more about the topic, market or niche which we are writing about. Thus we will build our credibility as well.

And if those reasons are not enough to get you to participate....there are more. EzineArticles is giving away a certificate to all those who participate. Plus you also receive an EzineArticles trophy mug, mouse pad, beach ball and hat.

Then you also have a chance to win 1 of 10 EzineArticles Premium Membership valued at $582.00. Now that is incredible!

There will be a webinar on January 8 to explain this event in more detail. For more information visit the EzineArticles Blog.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Win a Mug From EzineArticles

EzineArticles, the largest online article marketing site is giving away a free holiday mug to all who submit 25 articles before Jan.1. The articles need only be 250 words in length and can be on any given topic.

If you are not a member yet of EzineArticles you can still register, and I believe they will allow everyone to submit the articles, even if they have not yet reached 'Platinum Level' yet. You can read more about it here.

This will be my first time entering a contest at EzineArticles, and I'm looking forward to receiving a mug, so I can show off my reward for working hard in 2009.

Anyway I know there is not much time left, but if you hurry you can still get your articles in before the deadline. I know I will be working hard at them today...

Good Luck!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Make Money On Sites Like EBay and Etsy.

If you are an artist...any kind of artist; then you have the ability to make a living by doing what you love.

Perhaps you enjoy painting, woodworking, sculpting, pottery, sewing, needlecrafting, or any other kind of craft; if so, then you can sell those items for a profit online, and it doesn't have to cost you anything to get started.

Sites like eBay and Etsy will allow you to sell anything you can craft, or create. EBay is a more commercial site, but Etsy is very strict on the fact that it has to be hand-made, and cannot be produced in large quantities.

But if you have something which you enjoy, you'll be efficient enough to make a pile of money selling your handmade goods. If you're not that efficient yet, you will get there with more practice.

More and more people are taking part in this new venture, where people are looking for greener ways to shop, and to help preserve the environment. If enough people take part in this venture the industrialized world may wake up and start producing things in a greener fashion as well.

If its handmade, there was no machine used to pollute the air, or use up unnecessary energy. And people are waking up to this fact.

So if there is something you enjoy making, why not start selling it, and who knows eventually you might be able to quit your job!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Are you ready for 2010?

2009 has almost come to an end, and in 8 days we will be ushering in the new year 2010. But what does 2010 hold for the internet marketers...with all the changes coming it makes one wonder, will it be a year of growth, or a year of set-backs.

Personally I believe it will be a year of growth for those who are willing to make changes to the way they do business online.

The new rules of the FTC have already kicked in and every affiliate relationship needs to be disclosed, and testimonials need to be real. Those who do not adhere to these new rules will be taken to court.

Then there is Google coming out with personalized search and caffeine. Many are asking will this be the end of SEO? How will the now SEO dominating websites stay on top with the new changes. I don't have an answer, but I'm sure those who have quality content won't be affected much; as a matter of fact these sites might even see a jump in their numbers.

And as always, those who are too lazy to produce good content will find a way to get around it. Then they will most likely record their methods and create a course and make a pretty buck as a result of the new changes.

So my take on the new year is a positive one thus far...we just need to continue learning, work hard, and accept the new changes and we shall prosper.

So are you ready for 2010? You can be, all you need is a positive mind-set.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Fast Cash?

I just read an article entitled "8 Ways To Make Some Xmas Money-Fast" and while the tips are good, the average person might only be able to actually use half the tips to make a few extra bucks.

For example, I live in a small town, and for me to rent out a room is next to impossible. About a year ago I placed several ads in the paper...and nothing, I put up flyers everywhere around town...still nothing. Then I noticed that several others were trying to do the same thing without any luck; people were looking for room-mates, to rent out a room, to share a house...and I would see the same ads appear week after week after week...

And entering contests...well I'm just not a gambler...

Now I'm not trying to down the article, I'm already doing several things which the article recommends and they really do work great! Like getting rid of stuff which you no longer need...not that I have much...but it works when you do have stuff! Selling your stock photos, or your skills...great idea!

Now those are great ideas for fast cash, but what about the long run? If we can find a way to make lots of money all the time, we won't have a need for fast cash...right?

So what else can you do? Well I'm an artist and I sell my finished designs online, it's a great way to earn extra money by doing what you love.

If you love to write you can write for sites like,, and Squidoo, and you get paid. Now this will take a while for you to make any money, but it is a residual income which will continue to pay even when you stop writing.

Set up a blog and start blogging about your favorite things to do, and in the process refer others to books which you may have read, or want to read. Amazon and EBay have great affiliate programs for you to join and start making money.

Write an e-book sharing your tips and strategies on a specific topic, people are hungry for information these days and will read just about anything they can get their hands on.

There are many more things which you can do, but these will get the ball rolling. For tips on how to make money online check out this site, and be sure to check out the above mentioned article as well.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Clean Up Your Computer With Advanced System Care

My computer had been running extremely slow for quite some time. I basically tried everything to make it go faster, but nothing seemed to work. I even tried free registry cleaners but they didn't work either.

Then I heard about Advanced System Care, and it changed the life of my now moves faster than ever before...well you know what I mean.

At first I only tried the free version, and it worked great, but every time I used it, it would always tell me that I still had some 400 errors on my computer. And I still had a need for greater speed, so I upgraded to the paid version and did a scan and it found over 11oo errors!

Advanced System Care removed all those errors along with spyware, and cleaned the registry.

My computer now works much, much faster and I'm so thankful I found a solution to my problem before my system crashed completely.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Create a free website with Yola

When I began learning about making money online I wasn't sure if it was for real. Everyone around me seemed so negative about it and so I was hesitant when it came to investing into a hosting account or domain name.

I set up blogs, and a few free websites and then when I was convinced that making money online was for real I purchased my very own domain and hosting account.

I didn't delete the free blogs or sites, instead I used them to drive traffic to my new site. So really I didn't waste any time by creating the free sites, and am still using them today.

So where can you go to create a free site? Click here to find out more...

Sunday, December 6, 2009

A Blog Or A Website?

If you are new to online marketing then you are probably wondering whether you should start a blog or a website. The truth is, it really does not matter which one you start with, because your end goal should be to have multiple websites and blogs.

Why? Because you will need to build backlinks to your site in order to rank high in the search engines. The more backlinks that you have the better your site will do. Now you should try and get some backlinks from other high ranking websites, but you cannot solely depend on other people to link back to your site, you also have to do your own hard work.

There are many sites, and blogging platforms that allow you to create websites and blogs for free. For more information click here.