Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Are you ready for 2010?

2009 has almost come to an end, and in 8 days we will be ushering in the new year 2010. But what does 2010 hold for the internet marketers...with all the changes coming it makes one wonder, will it be a year of growth, or a year of set-backs.

Personally I believe it will be a year of growth for those who are willing to make changes to the way they do business online.

The new rules of the FTC have already kicked in and every affiliate relationship needs to be disclosed, and testimonials need to be real. Those who do not adhere to these new rules will be taken to court.

Then there is Google coming out with personalized search and caffeine. Many are asking will this be the end of SEO? How will the now SEO dominating websites stay on top with the new changes. I don't have an answer, but I'm sure those who have quality content won't be affected much; as a matter of fact these sites might even see a jump in their numbers.

And as always, those who are too lazy to produce good content will find a way to get around it. Then they will most likely record their methods and create a course and make a pretty buck as a result of the new changes.

So my take on the new year is a positive one thus far...we just need to continue learning, work hard, and accept the new changes and we shall prosper.

So are you ready for 2010? You can be, all you need is a positive mind-set.

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