Monday, December 21, 2009

Fast Cash?

I just read an article entitled "8 Ways To Make Some Xmas Money-Fast" and while the tips are good, the average person might only be able to actually use half the tips to make a few extra bucks.

For example, I live in a small town, and for me to rent out a room is next to impossible. About a year ago I placed several ads in the paper...and nothing, I put up flyers everywhere around town...still nothing. Then I noticed that several others were trying to do the same thing without any luck; people were looking for room-mates, to rent out a room, to share a house...and I would see the same ads appear week after week after week...

And entering contests...well I'm just not a gambler...

Now I'm not trying to down the article, I'm already doing several things which the article recommends and they really do work great! Like getting rid of stuff which you no longer need...not that I have much...but it works when you do have stuff! Selling your stock photos, or your skills...great idea!

Now those are great ideas for fast cash, but what about the long run? If we can find a way to make lots of money all the time, we won't have a need for fast cash...right?

So what else can you do? Well I'm an artist and I sell my finished designs online, it's a great way to earn extra money by doing what you love.

If you love to write you can write for sites like,, and Squidoo, and you get paid. Now this will take a while for you to make any money, but it is a residual income which will continue to pay even when you stop writing.

Set up a blog and start blogging about your favorite things to do, and in the process refer others to books which you may have read, or want to read. Amazon and EBay have great affiliate programs for you to join and start making money.

Write an e-book sharing your tips and strategies on a specific topic, people are hungry for information these days and will read just about anything they can get their hands on.

There are many more things which you can do, but these will get the ball rolling. For tips on how to make money online check out this site, and be sure to check out the above mentioned article as well.

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