Friday, March 26, 2010

Make Money Online With Freelancing

If you do not have time to set up an affiliate website and then wait until your traffic starts to pick up before you start to see some money, then freelance writing may be something that you should look into.

Not only will you begin to see immediate results, but the results could very well be what you need in order to survive financially. In the beginning you may not make as much, as you will still be learning the ropes, but then once you get the hang of it, you will begin to see some serious money.

So How Can You Make Money With Freelancing?

Very easy. Simply do a search for freelance writing jobs and you will come across many great website who are willing to hire new freelancers. Most of them will require you to write an article on a topic of your choice for them to review and decide whether you qualify as a freelance writer. If you qualify they will usually hire you within a few days or so.

A couple of the top freelance recruiters require that you pay a monthly membership fee for optimum exposure and the ability to bid on as many jobs as you like. But if that is not in your budget, then you may want to stick the other free resources.

But don't get me wrong, there are many legitimate writing jobs listed even on the free resource sites, so be sure to check them out first before heading over to the more popular sites. Most of these websites are updated daily as new jobs come in, so be sure to check back often and apply to as many jobs as you like.

How Much Money Can You Make?

The amount of money you can make solely depends on you. The more you write, the more you will make, but you will have to learn how to type fast. Most freelancers make anywhere between $10 to $20 an hour just by researching and writing articles.

At first you will not make this much, as you will have to spend a lot of your time researching, but once your knowledge base grows, you will be able to write from your previous notes or your memory. Once you can do this you will be able to pump out several articles per hour. So if you want to earn big money, then you need to bid on high paying articles, and you will be on your way to internet riches.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

How To Do Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is where you promote other people's products in exchange for a cut in the revenue. This helps you to easily make money without having your own products to sell, and reduces the marketing costs for the company whose products you are promoting. The companies can actually save a lot of money this way, because they only have to pay when they actually make a sale.

A lot of people will tell you that this is one of the quickest ways to make money online, and it is, but it will take a lot of hard work on your behalf. First you need to put together a blog or website with some content, then you get to sign up for affiliate programs, and believe it or not, these first steps may not seem like a lot, but they are the most important ones.

You need to do a market research to make sure that you are in a hot market, but not too hot because you don't want too much competition. You also want to carefully consider what affiliate programs to join. You can join as many as you like, but the products which they have should all work together on your website. 

If you decide to promote fishing products you could join different programs where one has books on how to fish, and others that sell the fishing poles and so on. But don't go promoting products like golf clubs or bicycles.
Once you have decided on what products you want to promote you should start adding them to your site. But here is where it gets tricky, many people will just put up the ads and hope that people will buy, this is great, but it will not get you the results which you are hoping for.

Your visitors need to have a reason to click on your ads and buy something, and you are the one to give them that reason. One of the best ways to get your users to spend money is by writing honest product reviews.

It is always great if you can stick in a personal story on how the product has worked for you, but it is not always necessary. All you have to do is convince your readers that they will somehow benefit from this product and they will buy.

Another thing which you can do, is just write general articles and then place relevant ads along the sidebar. One example would be to just write about what makes fishing enjoyable, and then provide links to books or fishing tools.

Then once you have some reviews you need to start driving traffic to your website, and your earnings will start to roll in.

Monday, March 22, 2010

How To Sign Up For Google Adsense

Google Adsense is a great affiliate program to help you make money fast online. This is a pay-per-click program where you get paid every time someone clicks on one of your ads. How much you get paid depends on how much the advertiser has agreed on to pay Google for each click. Google simply shares a cut with you because you are the one hosting the ad on your website.

So really, it is a win-win situation for all, making this one of the best affiliate programs online. Anyone can sign up for Google Adsense, but Google is a little picky on who they allow into their program. They will go over each application manually, check out your website, and depending on whether or not they like your website, they will either approve or deny your website.

Google does not like spam sites, or sites with no content. So before you even think about applying you should take the time to read over the rules and regulations, and then adjust your website to those rules.

One of the most important things to do before applying for Adsense is to create some valuable content on your website. Your content should be well written and beneficial to the user.

One thing I have learned is that Google loves webmasters and bloggers, but above them, they place their users. When someone comes to Google looking for information, Google wants to send them to great websites, and if your website it not what Google considers to be great, then you won't get very far.

Google does not want to be associated with anyone who is not there help others in one way or another. So it is very important that the content you provide is going to be valuable content for others.

Your content should be focused and written around several main keywords to get started. This helps Google figure out what kind of ads to place on your site for optimum results.

Then once you have read the terms of services, and created content that is valuable to others you can sign up for it. To sign up, simply search the term "Google Adsense" and you will be taken to a page where you can apply. Please be patient as it will take them several days to go over your information and approve you.
Once you are approved, make sure to continue to comply with all of their rules, or else you could get suspended for the program for life. You do not want that to happen.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

How To Do Market Research

If you are in it solely for the fun of it, which I see many people are, then you do not have to do a market research. But if you want to make money online, then it is very important that you invest some time to do a thorough market research before you venture into any business.

One of the most important reasons why you should do a market research is because you do not want to waste your time. If you spend a lot of time in a market where there are not enough searches coming in, or if you start off in a hot market where the competition is too high, then you may have to work long and hard in order to succeed.

So How Do You Do a Market Research?

There are many tools online which will help you to search the online markets, and know exactly what people are looking for, and how many of those searches are coming in, as well as what kind of competition you are up against.

So basically you want to find a product or a niche where there are many searches coming in, but   not too much competition. This will help you to easily get traffic from the search engines and thus it will help you to cut advertising costs.

So how many searches are a good number of searches for a market or niche? The answer to this questions depends on the number of competitors you are up against. What you can do, is gather information from several different markets and then compare the data, and then simply choose the market with the highest amount searches and lowest competition.

Another thing you can do is do a search on different niches within one or several markets. 

Then compare that data. You may come across markets where it will seem impossible to get to the top, but then when you do a search at the niche level you will see that it really is not that hard if you start at the niche level.

You may even discover that in some cases it may be easier to get into the niches of a tough market, than it is in the niches of a market that is not so tough. 

So just because the market level seems tough, you can always start somewhere within one of the niches within the market and work your way up to the market level.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

5 Ways To Build Back Links

 Back links are the links that point back to your website or blog. When people click on these links it simply takes them to your website. The more of these you have pointing to your site, the more search engine traffic you will receive. So it is well worth your time to create a few of these links on a daily basis.

So How Can I Build Back Links?

Article Marketing

Article marketing is a great way to get lots of free back links coming to your website. Not only will you get lots of great links from your article in the directory, but every time someone decides to use one of your articles you will get a link back from their site as well.

Contacting Webmasters

You can always contact webmasters that are in a related niche or market and simply ask for a link exchange. This method will not give you as much "Google Juice", because the most valuable back links are those which only point one way. This means that if you have a link on one site, and do not have to link back, it is valued more in the search engines. 

But don't let this stop you from asking for a link exchange because you still will get great traffic coming from those sites.

Blogging or Mini-sites

Creating multiple quality blogs or mini sites around your main website is another great way to get some good traffic coming in. This will take a lot of hard work and dedication, but the end results are well worth it.

Leaving Comments

Leaving comments on other people's blogs are probably one of the easiest and fastest ways to get great back links coming in to your website. All this requires you to do, is read some interesting content and then leave a helpful comment, showing that you have read the content.

Writing Platforms

Writing and submitting your work to online writing platforms is another great way to get these back links. These websites usually rank very high within the search engines so your time is well spent.

There are many of these sites and you can write for as many of them as you like. Not only will you get great back links from these sites, but most of these will also allow you to make money in different ways, either with page views, ads or affiliate marketing.

In conclusion, building back links will not only increase your search engine rankings and get free traffic coming from there, but you will also get free traffic coming from all of your links on the various different websites.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

How To Make Money Online

Making money online is one of the coolest ways to earn your money these days. You set your own hours, work as hard or as little as you want, and the absolute best thing about it is, that you do not have to go to work and put up with others.

So How Can You Make Money Online?

Well, there are many ways to make money online. You can set up your own website or blog, and make money with affiliate marketing. This requires you to do a lot of marketing, because in order to make money with affiliate programs you need to have lots of traffic coming to your website on a daily basis.

Or you can sell your own products on e-commerce sites like EBay, Etsy or Amazon.

The places where you can  sell your products are numerous and depending on what kind of products you have, you may choose a different site. For example, Etsy is only for you if you sell hand-made items, and ClickBank is suited only for E-books or other digital products.

You can write ebooks or other digital products and sell them for low prices. Why do I say low? Because once you have created your ebook you no longer will have any additional costs, other than perhaps marketing costs. But this will allow you to sell it at a super low price and still make some good money.

To get traffic coming to your products, whether they are affiliate products or your own, you can buy ads with ad networks, or you can learn how to drive free traffic.

There are many ways to drive free traffic to your site, and one of them is with article marketing. Simply write articles around the products which you are selling and then submit them to article directories. You can leave comments on other sites, do link exchanges or build a number of blogs around your main website.

Freelance writing is another great way to earn some fast money. Simply apply for freelance jobs and start writing about what you know. Most freelancers earn between 10 to 20 dollars an hour just by writing articles for others.

To apply for these writing jobs simply do a search for freelance jobs and you will come across many great sites where lots of webmasters are looking for writers.
So if you want to make money online and break free from your boss, then you can get started today using one of these strategies. It may seem like a lot of work to get started, but you will be glad you did in the end.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Fastest Way To Make Money Online

Many people will tell you that the fastest way to make money online is with affiliate marketing. And this is true in a sense because the money you will make with affiliate marketing is residual income, and the payout can be high! 

But if you want to do affiliate marketing you will have to get a website or a blog, and get lots of traffic coming to it. And if you do not have a budget for advertising, affiliate marketing could take you up to 6 months to a year before you start to see some real money. Now that is really not fast money if you ask me. 

Nevertheless it is a route which you should go down, but in the meantime, while you are still waiting for your affiliate website you pick up, you will need a way so you can pay your bills. And this is where you need to earn some fast money, unless of course you have a job which you can commute to every day. But for many who start online, do not have a job on the side so it is important for them to start earning some fast money.

So What is a Fast Way To Earn Money Online?

The fastest way to get a legitimate paycheck in your hand is by freelancing for others. There are many websites where you can go and apply for these freelance jobs. There are many webmasters from all different markets, so the chances of you finding work related to your expertise will not be difficult.

But that does not mean that you cannot apply for jobs in markets which you are not an expert in. If you are willing to do some research, then you can apply for just about any job available, as there is tons of free information all over the internet for you to learn from, and then write your own article.

Another great thing about freelance writing is that you do not have to be a professional writer. A lot of the websites who use your content are blogs which require that you have a casual tone. So really, all you need to do is write the same way as you talk, and you are set to go.

You do not even know how to spell as your spell checker will let you know of any errors and will even fix them for you as well with a click of a button.

So if you need to make some fast money, then you owe it to yourself to check out freelance writing and get paid within a week or two.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Writing For Triond

Triond is a writing platform perfect for those who just love to write. It is a great place to show off what you know and make some money in the process. It is not a website that will make you rich in a few months, but you can make a good residual income over time on this free writing platform. The more you write, the more you will make.

Connect with other contributers, become their friend, or join the fun in the forums. In your profile you can keep track of all your writings for everyone to see when they come to find out more information on you.

Triond will share with you 50 percent of all the revenue generated from your writing, so the more you write, and the more traffic you have coming to your articles the more you will make. Triond is great in the sense that you only need to accumulate 50 before they will pay it out to you, and they do this via paypal, check or Western Union.

What make Triond unique is the fact that the take your content and place it on different websites which are related to your content. Some of these websites include Quazen, Healthmad, Gomestic, Authspot, Sportales, Webupon and many more!

The reason they place the content on different websites is for SEO. Each website focuses on a different topic, or is in a different market  helping your content rank higher within the search engines. 

No matter what you want to write about, you can write on any topic you like such as business, sports, travel, health, wellness and many more. Your content can be in any form such as articles, videos, audio or pictures. If you like you can even create different accounts and write under several different author names as long as all content you submit is unique and original, and must not be published anywhere else.

After you submit your content, you can always spend time marketing your articles, but Triond will also do a lot of marketing for you, so you don't have to. If you have twitter Triond will automatically tweet your new content for you every time you upload.

Another great feature Triond has is a unique tool which allows you to see the latest and hottest searches. This feature will help you to determine at a glance what you can write about for the best amount of traffic.

The only downfall of Triond is that you cannot have advertising links in your content, as they will remove them. But regardless, if you love to write, then Triond is definitely the place for you!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Why You Should Write For Associated Content

Associated Content is a great writing platform geared to helping you make lots of money, especially if you live in the United States. If you live in the U.S. you can get paid for your articles upfront if they are approved by Associated Content. 

If you do not live in the U.S. you can not get paid upfront, but you can still make money with page views. When I first saw the amount that you can get per 1000 page views, I thought that I would be better off not writing for them at all, but then I did the math and looked at it from several different angles and decided that it is well worth the time.

So how much do you get paid for the page views? Well for every 1000 views you get paid $1.50. When you think about it, that will not get you a whole lot of money per month, but, if you think about it from a long term perspective you will agree that it is a great way to build a residual income.

Let's say you only get 1000 page views per article a month, that would mean you would have to write a lot of articles in order to make a $1000 a month. But from a long term perspective you will see that you can continue to make money from your article over and over again. $1.50 times 12 equals $18.00. That is $18.00 per year that you can continue to make every year as long as your article remains published, and you continue to get page views.

Then as you continue to write more articles, you will naturally increase your page views, and your articles will begin to make you more and more money each month. So really you have nothing to lose by writing for Associated Content.

Another reason why you should write for Associated Content is to build back links to your main website. Associated Content is naturally ranked high within the search engines, so any link you can get from this website will help your rankings as well.

In your profile you are allowed to link up to three websites which you own, so if you can get a lot of visitors to your profile, then you will increase the traffic coming to your website.

To sign up, simply go to All you need in order to get paid is a paypal account.

Monday, March 1, 2010

How To Sign Up For Affiliate Programs

Affiliate programs are an excellent way to make money online if you do not have your own product, or, until you do. In order to sign up for them you should already have a blog or a website, as most programs will ask you for the URL of the site where their products will be promoted.

It is good to have at least several pages, or blog entries before applying. The reason they like to see some content is because it shows them that you are serious and that you will not just be placing a bunch of ads on a webpage.

When applying for the program you may be asked for a brief description of your website, as well as your address or name of your business. If you do not have a business, then you can just leave it empty, or enter in your full name if the field is mandatory to be filled out.

Always make sure to read the terms and conditions of each program which you join, as they are all different, and you need to comply with their rules. Failing to do so could lead to a suspension of your account.

Before applying for affiliate programs, look for what the payout is and try to sign up with programs with a high payout. You can also do some research on the company to see whether others are making money with the program.

To find affiliate programs in your market you can simply do a google search and you will find lots of good programs which you can join. Amazon, and Ebay Partner Network are a few great programs to get started with in just about any market, or niche. You can also join affiliate networks like Commission Junction, Share-A-Sale, and LinkShare where you can have access to many different affiliate programs in many different markets. 

Another excellent way to find great affiliate programs is contacting webmasters directly. Whenever you come across a website which has products which you use, and is related to your website, look for an affiliate button where you can sign up for their program. This is actually one of the best ways to get started in affiliate marketing, simply because you know the product, and therefore are able to give an honest review.

Once you have your affiliate links up on your website it may take several months before you start to make any money. As your traffic increases, your sales will also increase.