Thursday, March 18, 2010

5 Ways To Build Back Links

 Back links are the links that point back to your website or blog. When people click on these links it simply takes them to your website. The more of these you have pointing to your site, the more search engine traffic you will receive. So it is well worth your time to create a few of these links on a daily basis.

So How Can I Build Back Links?

Article Marketing

Article marketing is a great way to get lots of free back links coming to your website. Not only will you get lots of great links from your article in the directory, but every time someone decides to use one of your articles you will get a link back from their site as well.

Contacting Webmasters

You can always contact webmasters that are in a related niche or market and simply ask for a link exchange. This method will not give you as much "Google Juice", because the most valuable back links are those which only point one way. This means that if you have a link on one site, and do not have to link back, it is valued more in the search engines. 

But don't let this stop you from asking for a link exchange because you still will get great traffic coming from those sites.

Blogging or Mini-sites

Creating multiple quality blogs or mini sites around your main website is another great way to get some good traffic coming in. This will take a lot of hard work and dedication, but the end results are well worth it.

Leaving Comments

Leaving comments on other people's blogs are probably one of the easiest and fastest ways to get great back links coming in to your website. All this requires you to do, is read some interesting content and then leave a helpful comment, showing that you have read the content.

Writing Platforms

Writing and submitting your work to online writing platforms is another great way to get these back links. These websites usually rank very high within the search engines so your time is well spent.

There are many of these sites and you can write for as many of them as you like. Not only will you get great back links from these sites, but most of these will also allow you to make money in different ways, either with page views, ads or affiliate marketing.

In conclusion, building back links will not only increase your search engine rankings and get free traffic coming from there, but you will also get free traffic coming from all of your links on the various different websites.

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