Sunday, March 7, 2010

Writing For Triond

Triond is a writing platform perfect for those who just love to write. It is a great place to show off what you know and make some money in the process. It is not a website that will make you rich in a few months, but you can make a good residual income over time on this free writing platform. The more you write, the more you will make.

Connect with other contributers, become their friend, or join the fun in the forums. In your profile you can keep track of all your writings for everyone to see when they come to find out more information on you.

Triond will share with you 50 percent of all the revenue generated from your writing, so the more you write, and the more traffic you have coming to your articles the more you will make. Triond is great in the sense that you only need to accumulate 50 before they will pay it out to you, and they do this via paypal, check or Western Union.

What make Triond unique is the fact that the take your content and place it on different websites which are related to your content. Some of these websites include Quazen, Healthmad, Gomestic, Authspot, Sportales, Webupon and many more!

The reason they place the content on different websites is for SEO. Each website focuses on a different topic, or is in a different market  helping your content rank higher within the search engines. 

No matter what you want to write about, you can write on any topic you like such as business, sports, travel, health, wellness and many more. Your content can be in any form such as articles, videos, audio or pictures. If you like you can even create different accounts and write under several different author names as long as all content you submit is unique and original, and must not be published anywhere else.

After you submit your content, you can always spend time marketing your articles, but Triond will also do a lot of marketing for you, so you don't have to. If you have twitter Triond will automatically tweet your new content for you every time you upload.

Another great feature Triond has is a unique tool which allows you to see the latest and hottest searches. This feature will help you to determine at a glance what you can write about for the best amount of traffic.

The only downfall of Triond is that you cannot have advertising links in your content, as they will remove them. But regardless, if you love to write, then Triond is definitely the place for you!

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