Saturday, March 20, 2010

How To Do Market Research

If you are in it solely for the fun of it, which I see many people are, then you do not have to do a market research. But if you want to make money online, then it is very important that you invest some time to do a thorough market research before you venture into any business.

One of the most important reasons why you should do a market research is because you do not want to waste your time. If you spend a lot of time in a market where there are not enough searches coming in, or if you start off in a hot market where the competition is too high, then you may have to work long and hard in order to succeed.

So How Do You Do a Market Research?

There are many tools online which will help you to search the online markets, and know exactly what people are looking for, and how many of those searches are coming in, as well as what kind of competition you are up against.

So basically you want to find a product or a niche where there are many searches coming in, but   not too much competition. This will help you to easily get traffic from the search engines and thus it will help you to cut advertising costs.

So how many searches are a good number of searches for a market or niche? The answer to this questions depends on the number of competitors you are up against. What you can do, is gather information from several different markets and then compare the data, and then simply choose the market with the highest amount searches and lowest competition.

Another thing you can do is do a search on different niches within one or several markets. 

Then compare that data. You may come across markets where it will seem impossible to get to the top, but then when you do a search at the niche level you will see that it really is not that hard if you start at the niche level.

You may even discover that in some cases it may be easier to get into the niches of a tough market, than it is in the niches of a market that is not so tough. 

So just because the market level seems tough, you can always start somewhere within one of the niches within the market and work your way up to the market level.

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