Thursday, December 11, 2008

Learn To Make Your First Dollar Online!

So I haven't been writing for a while...mainly due to the fact that I've been learning a lot about making money online.

I took the 30Day Challenge with Ed Dale back in August and I have to say it is the best thing I have ever done! I learned so much and the best thing is it's all free and he shows you step by step!

It's a course designed for the complete newbie. He teaches how to do market research, how to set up your own blog, how to get back links to your site and many other techniques.

Ed's goal is to help you make your first dollar online, and thus far I have made $76.00. Okay I know that isn't a lot. As a matter of fact it's not even enough to pay for my phone and internet connection, but here's the deal: In the first month I made like 2 bucks, the second month $10.00, in the third month I made just over $20.00 and the fourth month I made just over $30.00.

So what he teaches is the real thing, but you have to work hard! It doesn't come easy especially if you have another job on the side. But I highly recommend it and would encourage everyone who is looking to make money online to give it a try.

To sign up simply go to

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Social Networking

Social Networking

Once you've registered with a few advertisers and you've got some content on your blog, you want to start promoting your blog and attracting people to it.

There's many ways to do this but the most fun way is called Social Networking. What you do is you simply register with as many social network sites as you want, and link them back to your blog. Once you have your profile set up, just start inviting people to be your friend. They will then view your profile and hopefully follow your links to your blog, and again hopefully click on your links.

Here are just a few examples of all the sites that are out there.

Yuwie is one of the best new sites out there! They actually pay you just for blogging, getting page views and referring others to the site. Click Here to find out more!

You've probably already heard of MySpace, Facebook, and Flickr; these are all great sites to register with.

You should also create a Squidoo lens. This is also a really great site on which you can earn money on. I would recommend that you also link your social networking sites to your Squidoo.

And then there's Twitter...some people would say it's a waste of time but others love it. This site is a little different in the sense that you continuously update what you’re doing, and then your followers can always know what you’re up to. You can also follow others and know what they are up to as well.

Another great site is YouTube! This site can get you a lot of traffic to your blog if you put up some videos in relation to your blog. So check them out and find out which ones you like, you don’t have to join all of them; just join the ones that you like.

Give it time, as you build your friends lists, your traffic will start to increase.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Register with Amazon Associates

Register with Amazon Associates

Amazon offers a very good program which is free to join. They have a wide variety of products ranging from books to electronics and much more.

What I like about Amazon is the various different methods you can take in their program. They give you a variety of links and banner ads which you can use and at the same time they’ll allow you to open up to 100 stores at no cost to you. I recommend that you experiment with these banners and links to see which ones work best.

When you open an Amazon store just follow the step by step instructions, it's not hard to set it up. At the end it will give you a code which you can embed into your website. If you don't have a site, don't worry, just forget about the code for now and grab the link with your affiliate ID and paste it into your blog. Anyone who clicks on that link will be directed to your store just as you designed it. The only downfall is that your affiliate link is visible in the address bar, which doesn't look very neat...but it shouldn't stop people from buying from your store.

If you want to get your own website to host your store, you can do so at fairly good prices. Bluehost or PowWeb will provide you with good services along with low prices. There's also Yahoo, Hostgater, and Hostmonster. Check them out and see which one you like.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Click Bank

Click Bank

Click Bank is the internet's leading retailer of digital products. They have a huge selection of ebooks which can be instantly downloaded. Their affiliate program is one of the best since they offer up to 75% commission payout.

To register simply go to Click Bank and click on the “Become an affiliate” tab.

Once registration is complete you can start promoting products, by clicking on the 'Marketplace' link in the top right hand corner. Here you will have access to over 10,000 products.

But before you start promoting any products read the Affiliate FAQ, you'll see the link in the top right corner as well. Here you will find all the information you need to create your hop links and promote the products of your choice.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Registering with Commission Junction

Registering with Commission Junction

Commission Junction is a HUGE asset to affiliate marketers. They provide you with a humongous amount of different companies with affiliate programs that you can join.
It doesn’t matter what your niche is, I’m 99.9% positive you will find companies which will provide you with affiliate links appropriate for your niche.

First you have to register as a publisher with Commission Junction. Fill out everything they require you to fill out, and then once you’re done, you can start applying to as many affiliate programs as you like.

Once registration is done, all you do is click on the “Get Links” tab on the top of your page; then you’ll see categories for just about any market out there. Each category has multiple companies listed with affiliate programs which you can apply to.

This is a very simple process because Commission Junction already has all your contact information which is forwarded automatically to any program which you apply to. The company then will either automatically approve your application; and you will see that screen pop up as soon as your accepted; or they will do it manually which could take a few days, and they will let you know by e-mail once you have been approved.

To get your advertising links, click on the 'View Links' link right beside the advertiser's name. Here you will see a variety of banner ads or text links provided by the advertiser. On the right-hand side, under the 'Get Links' column, you'll see that you have two choices: you can either get the Javascript, or the html code. It doesn't really matter which one you get...Blogger will accept both.

Now it's very simple to keep track of which programs you applied to, which ones you've been accepted to, and which ones you're waiting to be accepted by. In the “Get Links” area you'll see four tabs underneath the “Get Links” tab. One of them is “By Relationship”. If you click on that you'll see a list of all your advertisers that have accepted you. To check which programs you've applied to and are waiting to hear back, click on the “Pending Applications” tab.

There's a lot more to cover on this, but that's just the basics to help you get started.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Setting Up Your Adsense Account

Setting Up Your Adsense Account

Once you have your blog set up, you’re ready to put up some ads. I recommend you start off with Adsense.

If you click on the ‘My Account’ button, you’ll see ‘My Products’ on the right hand side and underneath are the products that you currently are subscribed to. Scroll down, and you’ll see ‘Try Something New’ and you should see the ‘Adsense’ button. Click on it and just follow the instructions to sign up.

Make sure that you read and understand ALL the policies. There are some very important policies that you need to be aware of, like clicking on your own ads will result in suspension of your account. Also there’s a limit as to how many ad and link units you can put on one page.

Once you’re done signing up, go back to your blogger dashboard, click on ‘Layout’, and then click on ‘Add A Page Element’. There should be 2 of these; one on the right-hand side, and another one way down at the bottom. The one on the right hand side will only generate small ads which you can place anywhere in that right-hand column. The one on the bottom will generate larger ads which you can drag to the very top of your blog, just underneath or you can just leave it at the bottom.

Once you click on “Add A Page Element”, a new screen will pop up. Find the Adsense button and click on it. In this screen you can customize your ad by choosing the size, color and whether you want links or just an ad. I recommend that you use the ‘Blend Template’ for the color because it will be the closest and the best match for your blog. Once you’re done just click save and move it to the spot where you want it to show up on your blog.

Now you want to save it again by clicking on the orange ‘save’ button on top. A message will appear on top telling you that your changes have been saved. There will also be a link to view your blog, click on that and if you’re not happy with the way it looks, simply go back and make the desired changes.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Step #1 in Affiliate Marketing

If affiliate marketing is what you’re interested in, then the first thing you should do is decide what it is that you want to market. My suggestion would be to pick something that you enjoy, that way you won’t get discouraged as quick. Plus, you’ll already know all about the subject which will enable you to fully concentrate on all the rest that you’ll have to learn.

Believe you me, there is a lot to learn and it takes a lot of work to set everything up before you’ll see any money. I read somewhere that 98% of marketers don’t succeed. The majority drop out in the first week, which tells me that once they understand the amount of work that goes into it, they’re not willing to do it.

So go ahead and think about something dear to your heart—it could be anything from fly-fishing to soap-making! Come up with catchy name. Make sure the name has at least one keyword, like ‘Fred’s Fly-Fishing” or “Susie’s Handmade Soaps”. This will help people to find you easier.

Once you have a clear picture in your mind of what it is you want to promote, you should set up a blog with blogger. All you have to do is go to and set up an account. It’s very easy, click on the blue “TAKE A QUICK TOUR” button and take a quick tour or just click on the red “CREATE YOUR BLOG NOW” and simply follow the instructions.

Now it’s time for you to start blogging. Stick with the topic that you chose, and start building quality content around it. It’s very important that you stick with the topic and not wander off, because the more content you can build around one topic, the easier it will be for the search engines to pick up your blog. This will greatly increase traffic to your site!

Your success will depend on the amount of traffic that you’ll be able to attract to your site. So it’s important that you build your content first, so that when you get visitors, they’ll like what they see and keep coming back for more.

Take a deep breath and relax, make this a fun experiment. Your writing doesn’t have to be perfect, whatever you post, you can edit or delete later if don’t like it.

You can also go to the following sites for some great content:,>, , and . These sites are all free; just make sure you read their guidelines before you publish any of their content on your site.

You can also submit articles to these sites for others to publish. You don’t get paid to do this, but, you are allowed to put your web or blog URL on the article and this will generate an awesome amount of traffic leading back to your site.

There’s tons of free ways to generate traffic to your site which I’ll cover more in later posts.

So once again, make this a fun experience and remember that success is only the elimination of failure.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

MLM vs. Affiliate Marketing

I did some research and I found some similarities and differances between MLM Marketing and Affiliate Marketing. Ok some of the similarities are both methods include the Web2.0 system, which basicly means you have to promote yourself first before you can promote your products.

And both methods have been proven to generate a good, I mean a really good income.

As far as I can tell they both involve selling can sell your own if you want...that's if you have a product. But most people start off by using other people's products.

There's only two differances that I can see so far...and that is in MLM you build a downline for residual income...whereas in Affiliate Marketing you're basically by yourself, and it all depends on how hard you work.

And the real differance is, and this is my favourite: with MLM you pay to get started, but with Affiliate Marketing you don't have to pay a single penny to get started; unless you want to get your own domanin name and website up, which you don't have to do, you can still make money just with blogging.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Is MLM a scam?

Okay, I have looked into this MLM thing and I just really don't know what to think of it. I mean I'm sure there's people making money but how much did they spend into the system before they actually seen some returns. That's what I'd like to know....but noone out there seems to be willing to share this info.

It's like "sign up for my FREE newsletter or FREE mini course and I'll tell you exactly how I made this much money in one month!" So you sign up, thinking you're going somewhere...and all you get is "buy my book or video it has all the answers!"

I just want 1 marketer to come forward and tell me exactly how much money it takes to get going. Then maybe, I'll register with them.

Okay, I understand when joining, you're like opening your own business...only you have no idea how much this business is going to cost you! Try selling your brick and mortar business without telling your buyer how much you're selling it for! I guarentee it will never work!!

So why are these MLM peole trying to do just that?If there's anyone out there who has an answer please contact me by responding to this post, I would love to hear your opinion...whether you're an entrepeneur or someone else who knows what I'm talking about.

Many Thanks!