Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Article Marketing Equals Free Traffic

Article marketing has many different benefits, but the main benefit is the amount of traffic and backlinks you can get from one or more articles. It takes a lot of hard work to pump these articles out, but the end result is well worth it. Writing just one article and submitting it to only one directory can create many backlinks, and traffic, but the more you write the better you will do.

The way it works is very simple. Every article you submit has a resource box where you can put information about yourself and a link back to your site. When people read your article, they may want more information about you and click through and visit your website.

But the beauty of article marketing is that when you submit an article, anyone is free to copy your article, with the resource box intact, and paste it to their blog or website. So you see how that can get you free traffic and backlinks very fast with article marketing. It is probably the quickest way to get quality backlinks without you having to link back to the sites linking to you.

There are hundreds of article directories where you can submit your work to, and you can submit to as many as you like, the more you submit to, the more backlinks you will create. On the other hand you might do just as well if you only submit high quality articles to a few of the top article marketing directories. Look for article directories with a high page rank within Google, as these backlinks will be worth more than from other low ranking sites.

Another thing you want to do is to develop a readership within these article marketing directories. When you submit quality articles on a regular basis, webmasters and bloggers will subscribe to you so they can be notified every time you write a new article so they can be the first to copy your new article.

You can submit each article to as many directories as you like, but take caution that you don't get penalized for duplicate content. I would recommend submitting the same article to no more than 5 directories at once to avoid this. If you want to submit to all directories, simply take your article and rewrite it; give it a different title, and rearrange your sentences and paragraphs to make it look like a new article to the search engines.

Rewriting your content might even get the same webmasters to subscribe to you on different directories, as they may have more than one blog or website which they need content for.

When submitting your first article to a directory make sure to read their guidelines as each directory has its own set of rules and guidelines which you as an author must follow. For example some may require your article to be a certain length, or certain topics may not be allowed. Some allow you to put affiliate links within the body of your article, while others only allow it within the resource box.

Here are some of the top article marketing directories to get you started:

If you want to submit to more directories simply do a Google search on article directories and you'll find many, many more. Start off by submitting regularly to the top directories first, and you will see an increase in good quality traffic.

Click here for more tips on internet marketing.

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