Sunday, February 7, 2010

Writing Your First Blog Post

Many people fret over writing their first blog post. They worry about what they will write about, and whether their content will be good enough for others to want to read more. 

But writing the first blog post does not have to be a scary thing at all. The internet has a large audience making room for everyone's opinion, and everyone's voice. So really there are no right or wrongs; just be yourself.

However, in your first blog post you should take the time to tell the world a little about yourself. Tell your readers a bit about your past, what got you to start a blog, and what your plans are for the future, either for yourself or for the blog. This will help you to connect on a personal level, and this is what blogging is all about.

Let your readers know what is in store for them, and how reading your blog will help them to grow or how it will change their lives for the better.

If you are planning on giving away free prizes by holding regular contests, then now is the time to let them know about it as well. To sum it up, you want to basically give your readers an overview of what to expect from future blog posts.

You should also make your blog post interesting for your readers. This will be the key factor as to whether or not they will keep coming back for more. A few things that you can do, is engage your readers by asking them a question like: "Has this ever happened to you?" or "What do you do when you find yourself in this situation?"

You can also add humor in the form of clean jokes, quotes, silly facts, or statistics. Of course all of these should be related to the content in your niche.

As you are writing your first blog post, you want to keep SEO in mind and scatter your keywords throughout the article without sounding spammy or unnatural. Doing a keyword research will help you to determine what the best keywords are to use. Keywords will also help you to get more targeted traffic coming to your blog.

Once you are done writing your first blog post, make sure to proofread it several times before posting it to your blog. If your content is not written well, your readers might not be coming back, because it tells them that your heart is not in it.

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