Tuesday, February 9, 2010

How To Improve Your Writing Skills

You can read all the books on writing, but unless you put into practice what you learned, you will not improve your writing skills. As a matter of fact the only way you will improve your writing is if you write every day, or at least on a regular basis.

When you write, don't worry about what your writing sounds like, just write. This is the most important part, that you just write. You can always go back and edit later. Many new writers tend to get stuck on a paragraph, or sentence, and because of this they don't make it very far into the article. Don't let this happen to you.

The best thing to do is gather your information, and put it in front of you in point form. Get a mental picture in your head as to what your finished article, or manuscript will look like.

Then begin your writing session. If you have a timer set it for about 10 minutes, and then use those 10 minutes just to write. Don't go back and edit during this time, but focus your attention on getting the words out. If you don't have a timer, you can use a clock.

When the 10 minutes are up, go back and edit what you just wrote. Then simply repeat the process until your article is completed. If you need to walk away at any point, do so. Everyone at one time or another will experience blank moments where there seems to be nothing to write about. Don't try and force it; believe me, it comes out in your writing and your readers will know it. So the best thing to do is just walk away.

At this time you can do two things; one is to meditate on what you want to write about, and the other is to read. Both are effective in helping you get back on track to finishing your article.

If you want to be a successful writer, then reading is an absolute must! This is where you will draw a lot of your inspiration from. This does not mean that you will be copying other writers; it just means that by reading other people's writing you will be inspired to write your own. Plus, there is a lot you can learn about writing, just by reading the work of other writers.

Then once you have written and edited your article, you have to put it out so others can read it. After all, this is the whole point of writing.

100 Ways to Improve Your Writing (Mentor)Line by Line: How to Edit Your Own WritingImprove Your Punctuation and Grammar (How to)Writing an Assignment: Effective Ways to Improve Your Research and Presentation Skills

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