Thursday, February 11, 2010

Social Media

Social Media is a great way to get free traffic coming to your website. Not only do you get free traffic from the social media sites, but the free traffic coming from the search engines will also increase. This is because a lot of these social media links will count as quality back links. The more back links you have pointing to your website the higher you will rank in the search engines.

Think of Social Media as an actual social event, where you can go and hang out with other people. The more you hang out with them, the popular you will become.

Visit other people's profiles and then subscribe, or request to be friends. People who aren't interested will simply ignore you, and those who are interested will accept your invitation and come and visit your site. The more friends or subscribers you have, the greater the opportunity to make money.

The key here is to let people know about your site, or product without spamming them. Once they feel that you are spamming them, they will simply ignore you.

No one is obligated to respond to you, or even take a look at what you have to offer, so make your profile page interesting for them, or even give away free stuff to draw people to you. Write good content for your site, and update it regularly. This is a great way to show that you are an expert, to gain people's trust, and to make new friends.

You can also leave comments on other people's profiles to increase your followers, or your list of friends.

It may seem like a waste of time especially at the beginning, but then after a while once you start seeing some results, it all of a sudden becomes worth it. Over time your list of friends or subscribers will grow and more and more people will begin to take you up on your offers, click on your affiliate links, or whatever it is that you want them to do.

Most sites basically function the same way, but each site has its own rules, so make sure that you read their terms of services before reading to ensure you won't get suspended from that site.

Some of the main sites that you can join are Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, RedGage, and Squidoo. Join up with one, get a readership going and then move on to the next one, or you can join them all at once if you like.

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