Sunday, May 30, 2010

10 Reasons Why You Should Work Online

Many people look at you funny when you tell them that you are making money online, but really there are a lot of good reasons why you should just quit your day job and start working online! But do not quit your job before you are making money online...doing so may result in bankruptcy.

What Are Some Reasons Why You Should Work Online?

You'll never have to call in sick again! I don't know about you, but I used to call in a lot. It was almost like once week, and it would be for silly reasons like I just didn't want to go in. (But looking back I see that I was just over-worked and underpaid.)

You dont have to wake up to an alarm clock every morning. Have you ever felt like throwing that thing out your window when it wakes you up in the morning? Well when you work online you can do just that, and sleep as long as you want. You will never have to worry about the alarm clock again.

You can work when you want. The beauty of working online is that you can work when you want; if this means that you are going to stay up till 3 in the morning to work, you can, and then if you do not want to work you don't have to. As long as you make your deadlines, you are free to do what you want.

You don't have to put up with people. When working online, you have the option to work solo and you will never have to put up with ignorant people again.

You don't have to waste your gas commuting. You will save a lot of money on your gas, as you will no longer have to take out your car to go to work.

You don't have to waste your time commuting. Think about how much time you spend commuting each day. This is time which you do not get paid for, therefore, it is a waste of your time.

You don't have to put up with the boss. You will never have to worry about another boss again, as you are now your own boss.

You don't have to put up with lazy people. Have you ever had to pick up the slack for the lazies around you? Well you will never have to do it again when you work online.

You keep the money you make instead of making someone else rich. You have the potential to make a lot more money if you work for yourself online, because you do not have to split your hard earned dollars with anyone.

You will have more time for family and friends. By working online, you have the opportunity to build a residual income which over time will give you a lot more free time to do the things you really enjoy doing.

Friday, May 28, 2010

5 Ways To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the fastest ways to make money online, because you do not need to have any of your products to sell. So all you need to do is convince other people to buy through your affiliate links and you can begin to make money almost immediately.

There are many ways to go about making this money and these 5 ways are just the tip of the iceberg.


Blogging is a great way to make money with affiliate marketing. You can set up one blog, two blogs or as many as you like, but the more blogs you set up the more products you will be able to promote, and the end result will be well worth it.

Blogs are normally free and you can use your own domain or you can use a free sub domain. Getting your own domain is better as it looks more professional.


Setting up your own website may take a lot of work but it will make you look more professional as you will have your own domain name and people will take you more seriously. Plus another benefit to having your own website is that you can have complete control over it.

You can put your ads in any place that you like plus you can have the layout and the color scheme suitable for your products. 


Craigslist is free and you can place as many ads up as you like. You can also do product reviews, but the only thing is that you can not leave your affiliate links. However, you can leave your email so people can contact you, and than you send them an email with your affiliate link in it. To make this easier for you you can create a free gmail account which you can set up as an auto responder, which will automatically go out whenever someone requires more information.

Email Marketing

If you have your own website or a blog where you can put up the form for the auto-responder than you can market to people to via email. This means that everyone that you market to will have to sign up using this form, and once they do, you can market to them over and over again. 


Twitter is a great site which allows you to make short entries which are known as tweets. They are just long enough to leave a short descriptive sentence along with your affiliate link. If you are good at writing catchy descriptions and have a lot of followers you can make lots of money, just by using twitter.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Why You Should Write High Quality Articles

Writing high quality articles is very important so that you can establish your online credibility. It will make you look more professional plus people will be able to trust your information more. You should never use an article spinner as these will come out with mixed up words that do not sound right. Plus your information will not flow smoothly and this will distract and even confuse your readers.

It is amazing at how fast you can lose an audience if your words do not flow smoothly. And if you do not have an audience you will not make money. 

Learn To Write

So if that means that you have to invest your time into a writing course then do so. There are many websites online that will teach you the basics of good writing, so really you have no excuse not to learn. And the more that you write, the better you will get at it. You should also learn how to take criticism and learn from it.

You need to know about sentence structures and proper punctuation. Putting your commas in the wrong spots can confuse your readers and they will not continue to read. You should also learn to write creatively as everyone loves to read well crafted words.

Why You Need To Write

Unless you have someone to do the writing for you will need to write, no matter what market you are in.

You will need to be able to write convincing articles and sales pages that will get people to buy through your affiliate links. You need to be able to write your descriptions in such a way to provoke a curiosity in your readers so they will click through.

You will also need to be able to take them on a visual trip where they can see what the product will do for them. Knowing how to do this without making false or misleading statements will increase your earnings. This is where your creative writing skills will come in handy.
Your writing will not be perfect when you first start writing, but if you do not give up you will get better with each article, blog post or sales letter that you write. 

You should spend a lot of time re-reading and editing your articles when you first begin, but don't spend too much time on your sentence structures as, you may not get much writing done. Ideally you should allow your article to sit a day or two before re-reading it as this will help you to catch more errors.

Monday, May 24, 2010

5 Ways To make Money Without A Website

Ideally you should have your own website if you want to make money online, but there are also many other ways which you can make money without a website.


Blogs are free and you can get a free sub-domain and make it look like your very own website. You can do as many product reviews as you want, plus you can put up as many affiliate links as you like. Just be careful that you do not add too many ads or affiliate links as your blog may be looked at as a spam blog. This means you will not be indexed as fast, nor will you rank as high in the search engines. 


FaceBook is a great social media site were you can interact with people and make money. You can create personal pages which only your friends can see plus, you can also create FaceBook fan pages. 


RedGage is another great website to help you to make money online without a website. Not only can you make money with your affiliate products but you can also make money directly with RedGage. You will need a lot of content and a lot of page views in order to make money with this site. 

But this site allows you to create mini ads with a brief description and your affiliate links. You can also do lengthy product reviews where you can place your affiliate links. The more views you get to these the more money you will make from RedGage as well as from your affiliate links.


Twitter is a very effective tool to help you with affiliate marketing if you have a lot of followers. The entries that you make are called Tweets, and with each entry you make you only get a certain amount of characters which is only like a sentence or two, making it perfect for your affiliate links. 

The only thing with Twitter is that it does not give you a lot of space to pre-sell, but nevertheless you can make as many Tweets as you like. And if you word them right you will create a curiosity in your followers which will make them click through to the sales page. So if the sales page is doing its job you will make money.


If you enjoy making videos than you will enjoy YouTube. All you have to do is describe an affiliate product and than add your affiliate link to each video that you upload. 

Saturday, May 22, 2010

How To Prevent Injury When Typing

If you spend a lot of time at your keyboard you will have to take precautionary measures in order to prevent injury from typing. Injuries can appear in the fingers, wrists or elbows, simply from the repetitive motion of typing or even using the mouse. If not dealt with in time it can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome, tendinitis or tennis elbow.

What are the Symptoms?

The first symptoms you may experience is a numbness, tingling, pain or a stiffness in your joints, fingers or muscles. It is very important that you do not ignore these first warning signs, as they will only get worse if you do not stop typing.

Usually staying away from the keyboard for a few days will be enough for the pain to go away, but when you come back, you should have a plan to avoid a future injury.

Your Workspace

First of all you need an ergonomic workspace, anything else that you do, will not help unless you have a space where you are comfortable. You should be able to sit straight with your feet on the floor or on a foot rest. Your arms should be straight and your forearms should be level with your elbows when you type. Your wrists should always be kept straight, and should not rest on anything or bend in any way, up or down.

You may also want to consider getting an ergonomic keyboard which is split in the middle and shaped to better fit the natural position of your hands.

Your mouse should be on the same level as your keyboard, and you may also invest in one that is more ergonomically friendly.

Exercises and Breaks

You should also engage in light stretching exercises before you begin your typing session. You should always stretch your fingers as well as your wrists. You should rotate your fingers as well as your wrists and arms.

Taking frequent breaks will also help to relieve the stress, and you should use this time to also do light stretches.

Your Diet and Rest

Drinking lots of water and eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables will help to eliminate the toxins in your body which contribute to the stress. You should drink at least 1 cup of water every hour in order to remain fully hydrated and energized.
When eating a proper diet, you will sleep much better at night which will help your hands to heal and relax from all the typing during the day.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

5 Ways To Make Money Online

The internet has made it possible to make money online in many different ways. Your goal should be to pick one of these and get your business going before you move on to the next one. You can work on several different methods but not until you have one method off the ground. 

Some methods require that you have a website or a blog while other methods allow you to make money without your own space on the web. 


One of the quickest ways to start earning legitimate money is by investing your time and writing for others. There are many webmasters who are looking for writers to help them write e-books, articles or blog or web content. The reason they hire others is that their work load becomes more than they can handle due to the many websites which they run.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is another quick way to make money if you know how to drive lots of traffic to your website. The great thing about affiliate marketing is that you do not need your own product, but rather you are promoting other people's products and you simply get a share from their profits.


Ebay is a great place to sell your used items as well as other products. Many people find great success by using drop shippers, while others own huge warehouses for their stock.

Drop shippers allow you to get started without any investment; you simply list their products and then when you make the sale you place the order and have it shipped directly to your customer.

If you have a large storage space, and money to invest, then you can order in bulk and make even more than if you were to use a drop shipper.

Creating Products

You can create your own digital products such as computer programs, software programs or ebooks and sell them on sites like ClickBank where other people will do the promoting for you.

Social Media
With Social media you can make money without even owning your own website. All you need is a list of followers and some products to sell or promote and you are all set. Depending on which site you use, you don't even need any content; sites like twitter allow you to just leave a link and then sit back and wait for people to click and buy.

So if you are serious about making money online, you will want to harness the power of all the above, one at a time.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

How To Build Your Online Credibility

It is crucial that you build your online credibility if you want to make money online. The faster you build your credibility the sooner you will be able to make money. This is because people need to know who you are so that they can trust you and do business with you. 

There are several different ways that you can go about building your credibility online. It does not matter where you start as long as you start somewhere. 


Blogging is a good way to get started. Even if you have a website you should still start a blog because blogs are all about personal stories and if you share your personal stories your readers will feel more connected to you. You should allow them to leave comments or provide a way for them to get in touch with you so you can easily communicate with them. Plus, they are also a good way to keep people up to date as to what is going on over at your website. 


Forums allow you to help others by answering questions. This is a great way to share your knowledge and show off your expertise.

Writing Platforms 
Writing platforms are another great place to build your credibility as you can get many followers and subscribers. This may take more work as you will have to write lengthy articles. But you can use these articles to build your brand and market your website. Plus, you can also use these writing platforms to get lots of free traffic and high quality back links. 

Social Media 

With all the social media out there it is probably one of the quickest and fastest ways to build your online credibility. Sites like Twitter, FaceBook, MySpace and RedGage allow you to have many followers and subscribers whom you can build relationships with, and this will help you to build your online credibility. 

Plus social media allows you to market to people over and over again. And you can begin to build relationships before you even have a website. Then once you get your website up and running it will only be a matter of time before you begin to make money. 

So by taking advantage of the above you can build your online credibility in just a short period of time. You may have to spend quite a bit of time writing, or in the forums, as well as using social media until people will fully trust you, but if you stick with it you will build your online credibility.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

How To Use Forums For Credibility

If you want to make money online then it is very important that you establish your credibility. You need to build your brand and a reputation which people will be able to trust. If you fail in this one area you will not succeed. This is most likely one of the hardest parts of getting started to making money online. 

There are many ways in which you can establish your credibility, and one of then is to use the forums. You want to find a forum related to your website, one which is quite active with a lot of members so that you will be able to make the most of your time. 

The Basics Of Forums 

When you sign up at the forum choose a user name which resembles your website. Ideally you you should pick the name of your website as your user name. This will help to establish your brand, and people will not get confused as to who you are, and as a result you will be able to establish your credibility much faster. 

On every forum you are allowed to have a profile page were you can put all you personal information. This way people will know who you are and will be able to trust you much quicker. So make sure to fill in you area of expertise, your contact information including your email and your website URL.

Why Forums?

The reason forums are so great is because a lot of people come here to ask questions, and if you can be the first to answer these people will begin to trust you and your brand. This is the fastest way to establish your credibility online. Not only are you helping people, but you are also helping your business. 

Plus forums will also help you to drive free traffic and get lots of back links which will help you to rank higher in the search engines. 

How Often Should You Use Forums?

The more you use the forums for helping people the faster you will be able to establish your credibility. Checking in several times a day for new questions will help you to be the first one to answer. This will get you maximum exposure as well as the most free traffic. 

If there are no questions you can always start a new thread with information that you think will help other people. 

To find a forum, simply do a Google search and you will find lots.

Friday, May 14, 2010

How To Become A Fast Typist

It is very important to type fast in order to make money online because it will save you a lot of time in the long run. Investing about 30 minutes each day is all you need to develop this skill. Even if you think you do not have the time, you should still make time whether that be 30 minutes or 5 minutes each day.

A typing course will teach you the proper placing of your fingers on the keyboard. This will help you to type without having to look down at the keyboard. This will help you to type faster as well as prevent neck injuries. Plus if you keep your fingers close to the key board it helps to prevent injury to them as well. 

There are many typing courses that you can take, and one of them is Mavis Beacon. You can purchase this program online and download it to your computer and get started right away. If you do not want to pay for a typing course than you can take advantage of the free typing courses online. These free courses are just as good but they are not as interactive, and do not come with tips and techniques which the Mavis Beacon program does.

Learn To Type

When you first start to learn to type you will not be able to type very fast. Learning the proper  placement of your fingers and not looking at the keyboard will take some time. Perhaps you will only be able to type about 20 words per minute, but that is a good place to start. And as you practice you will gradually become faster.

But do not concentrate on speed as that will cause you to make mistakes which you will have to take the time to fix. But rather you should focus on accuracy because this is the most important part. Once you become one with the keyboard speed will come naturally.
How Fast Should You Be Able To Type?

Your goal should be to type 100 words per minute. This may take you awhile but you can do it. Even if you only get up to 60 word per minute you will find that being able to type this fast is saving you a lot of time. And once you get this far you will want to go even further. 

The more you type the faster you will get, but be careful that you do not injure your fingers, your hands or wrists. If you feel any kind of pain you should stop typing immediately and wait till the pain goes away. 

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

How To Improve Your Writing

If you want to improve your writing then it is essential to write every day. Even if you do not have a lot of time, you should still find the time to squeeze in 10 minutes here and there.

You should also pick a quiet room, or even just a small corner where you can focus on your writing. Eliminating as many distractions as possible is a must, and this includes the telephone, email, television and music. Some are able to write better with the music on, but if you are learning then you may not want music until you have the skill mastered.

Your first articles will not be perfect, but don't let them stop you, just keep writing. Write, write and write some more. This is the only way that you will ever master the skill. 

You will also need to learn how to take criticism. You may not be able to see your mistakes, but others will, and they are the best ones to help you if you allow them.

So What Is The First Step?

The first step in learning how to write is the familiarize yourself with how punctuation, sentence structures and paragraphs work. Than once you have a basic understanding you can began to write. 

Start by writing short articles on information which you already know. A how-to article is a great place to start as it will help you to keep your information organized and in order. You should learn how to outline your work and then work from the outline. 

If you do this you will never have to worry about repeating yourself in a lengthy article. Believe it or not, this is not hard to do even if you have an outline.

Spend Lots Of Time Reading

You should also invest some of your time into reading. Reading other peoples writings is a great way to become inspired, plus by reading you can also learn how others used their punctuation, and sentence structures.

Reading will also help you to learn new things as well as keep you up to date.

When you find yourself at a loss for words, pick up a book and see how long it takes for those words to come flowing into your mind. This is absolutely the fastest way to break free of writer's block. The book which you pick up to read can be a totally unrelated book to what you are writing, but somehow it never fails me.

Monday, May 10, 2010

How To Use Forums For Free Traffic

Forums are a quick and easy way to get traffic to come to your site. With each post that you make you can add a signature which will show up underneath your post. The more of these you have scattered on various different forums the more free traffic you will get.

How To Find Forums 

There are many forums in every niche or market where you can leave as many links as you like. simply do a search using the search engines and you will come across many that you can use. The more forums that you join the more links you can leave and thus the more free traffic you will get. 

You want to look for forums that are very active with lots of members, and forums which rank high within the search engines. The more members the forum has the more active it will be, and thus the more free traffic you will receive. The higher the forums rank the more value will be placed on the links coming from them. 

What To Post

You can make any kind of helpful post related to your site. This will increase your click through to your website. Plus it will also help to establish your credibility.

There are many people who come to the forums with many questions and you should always spend some time answering these. By answering these questions you have the opportunity to  also insert your links to your website, but always make sure that any link you post will be of help to answer the question. Be careful that you do not spam, as this may get you suspended from the forum.

On top of being able to leave your link within your post you can also create a signature which will come up underneath every post you make. Some forums allow you to have as many links as you want but others have a restriction of only 1 or 2, so make sure that you always read the rules so that you can abide by them.

You can also start a new thread with information related to your website that will help others in one way or another. 

You can comment on other people's posts, and add to them by sharing your own views or personal story on the topic.

For lots of free traffic you should spend a couple hours in the forms every day. The more posts that you make the more free traffic you will get. 

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Building Back links With Writing Platforms

Building back links is essential to getting a lot of free traffic, and traffic is essential to making a lot of money online. Back links are links that are coming in from other websites which take your visitors to your website when they click on it. 

This is where writing platforms come in. They are ranked high in the search engines which gives each link more juice, and as a result your website will also rank higher in the search engines. But not only will you be ranked higher in the search engines but you will also get a lot of free traffic. 

Writing platforms are free to join, and many of them allow you to open multiple accounts under different user names. This allows you to market to a specific niche. This way you have a more targeted audience. The reason you want a targeted audience is because your click through rate will be higher and you will make more money.  

There are many writing platforms online which you can join. A lot of these even allow you to post duplicate contents which means you can have the same content on multiple websites. But there are also many platforms which do not allow that, as they expect original content and will remove your content if it is not, and you risk the termination of your account. So always make sure that you read their guidelines.

Another thing that you have to keep in mind is that some of them have a certain word requirement. But, the longer your article is, the better it will do in the search engines. So taking your time to write a 1,500 word article is well worth your time compared to a 400 word article. This allows you to add more key words into the article without keyword stuffing or sounding ridiculous.

Some writing platforms allow you to add a lot of links to the same website, whereas some will only allow you to add only one or two. Always check the guidelines to see what is or isn't allowed.      

Writing platforms are great because you can use one article to link to another, and this way you can build back links to your articles and rank higher in the search engines. Hubpages allows you to easily link to your other hubs with a touch of a button. You can also link your Hubpages articles to your other articles on other writing platforms.

So you can see that writing platforms are a great way to build back links to your main site as well as your other articles.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Writing For Back Links And Free Traffic

Back links are essential to any website if you want to get free traffic coming from the search engines. The more of these you have, the more free traffic you will get. But quantity is not all, you also want your links coming from websites which are already ranking high with the search engines.

This is where the writing platforms come in. They may take more work than if you were to just do a link exchange or just leave comments, but nevertheless, the work spent into these is well worth it.

Some of these sites are Hubpages, Squidoo, Infobarrel, Helium, RedGage, Xomba, and Associated Content. Make sure to read the regulations of each site as each one has a different set of rules which you must abide by in order to write for them.

Sites like Hubpages and Associated Content are very strict on original content which you cannot have posted anywhere else online, but Xomba and RedGage allow you to add articles which you can have in many different places online. So once the article is written you can submit them to these sites which will only take a few minutes, and the traffic is great.

When writing for writing platforms you may also want to invest some time to build some back links to your articles on these sites as they will get you more traffic as well as help you to rank higher in the search engines.

Building back links to your articles is not hard, as you can link to them from your other articles. So for each article you write, you could add a link to your website, as well as another link or two to other articles which you have written. These articles could be located on the same writing platform, or on another platform.

To be on the safe side, always be sure to check the rules to see how many links you are allowed and do not add any more, or else they may be removed. Some websites like Hubpages do not allow you to add more than 2 links to any specific website.

With writing platforms you not only build back links, but you can also use them to market your products, or if you do not have your own products you can use them for affiliate marketing, or making money with Google adsense, Kontera, Amazon or eBay.

So as you can see, writing to get back links does take more time, but you can accomplish several different tasks just by writing 1 article.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Is it Easy to Make Money Online?

I would like to be able to tell you that it is easy to make money online, but to the contrary, making money online is not easy. Well, for some it may be, it all depends on what kind of experience you have. 

Writing & Typing

If you have great writing and typing skills, then it will be easier for you than if you do not have those skills. 

There are many free writing tutorials online that will teach you all you need to know about writing, then all you have to do is start writing. It really does not matter what type of market you get into, it is essential that you learn how to write, as you will have to write sales pages, blog posts, and other web content where the writing structures are important. 

The only exception here is if you have money to hire others to do the writing for you, but if that is not in your budget, then you will have to learn to write effectively.

If you do not know how to type, you can also take free typing courses online, which will teach you exactly where to place your fingers, on what keys and so on. But if you already have these skills you will not have to invest your time to learn them, but can concentrate on making money.


The same thing goes for marketing, if you have good marketing skills you will have a huge head start on those who do not. And again, everything which you need to know about marketing effectively can be found online. There are many courses which you can take, but for the most part, you can get all the knowledge you need to get started for free.

If you have money to spend then you can get others to create the content for you as well as do the marketing for you. But if you do not have the money, then you will have to create all your content yourself which can take a while. The content which you may need can be anything from articles and e-books to audio and video.

In conclusion, it is tough to start an online business, but it is not something that the ordinary individual cannot do. Anybody who has the ability to learn and has the patience can make a good fortune online. It just will take a lot of work, and it will not happen overnight.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

How To Find Good Freelance Writing Jobs

If you are in need of some fast money, and you are looking to make it online, then you should look into freelancing for others. With freelancing you can make anywhere between 10 to 20 bucks an hour depending on how fast you are and what the pay is. 

The only way you are going to make good money with freelancing is that you know how to write and type fast, or it will not be worth the time that you are spending into it. But that does not mean that you should not pursue it if you do not have those skills, because you can always learn. And what better way to get paid as you learn. Just make sure that the articles you write are of good quality so they will be accepted.

So How Can You Find Good Freelancing Jobs?

There are many jobs available and it may take some time to find something which will work for you. You just have to know what to look for, and only apply to jobs which are of interest to you. For example, if you are not interested in sports, then don't apply to any jobs which require you to cover sports topics. Rather apply for jobs where you have an interest in, or where you have some kind of knowledge in.

Try to look for jobs with an ongoing writing opportunity because this will save you the time of constantly looking for new writing jobs.

Another thing to keep in mind is the pay. A lot of freelance writers reside in third world countries where living expenses are less than what you spend for coffee and so they are able to write articles for next to nothing. 

People who outsource know this, and so a lot of the times they are only willing to pay no more than $1.00 for an article. Do not apply for these jobs if you live in America or any other place where living expenses are high. Keep looking until you find something that pays at least $5.00 per article. Even this, is low, but if you are new it may be a place to get started, as a lot of applications will ask for previous experience.
Some freelance recruiters will require that you send in a resume, but most are happy with just a writing sample so they can see what your style is, and whether or not you have what it takes to be a writer.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Traffic Strategies

If you want to make money online then you need to learn how to drive traffic to your site. Without traffic you will not make any money. You can but traffic through ad networks plus there are many waays that you can drive lots of free traffic to your site. 

Social Media 

Sites like FaceBook, Twitter, MySpace StumbleUpon and RedGage allow you to drive lots of free traffic to your site. You can have many friends or followers on these sites whom you can develop relationships with and market to them.

Article Marketing

There are many article dreecterys which you can submit your articals to in exchange for free traffic as each article allows you to place at least one link back to your website. Most of these articles need only be short some directorys exept them at a word count of 250. but always make sure to read thier rules to make sure you stay within their guidlines as some requre a minimun of 400. 

Link Exchanges 

A fast way to get free traffic is to contact other web masters which are rlated to your site and ask them for a link exchange. These links will not be as valued in the search engines but they will still get you lots of free traffic.

Leaving Comments

You can also vist related websites or blogs and leave helpful comments in the comment sections. Thiis will get you a backlink to your website. If you can be the first to commment your commment will stay on top which means that anyone that reads that blog poast will be able to see your comment and click through to your site. But this does not mean that you should always be the first to comment. 


Forums are another great way to get free traffic, you can build your signature links so that whenever you leave a post, your link will show up underneath so that others can click through to your website to find out more about you. 

Writing Platform

Writing platforms are also another great way to get lots of free traffic coming to your website. These may take a little more work as you have to write many lengthy articles, but the end results will be well worth it.

These are only a few ways to get you started to drive lots of free traffic as there are many other strategies which you can use, and you should always be looking for a new way or a new site to build more links so you can get more traffic coming.