Wednesday, May 12, 2010

How To Improve Your Writing

If you want to improve your writing then it is essential to write every day. Even if you do not have a lot of time, you should still find the time to squeeze in 10 minutes here and there.

You should also pick a quiet room, or even just a small corner where you can focus on your writing. Eliminating as many distractions as possible is a must, and this includes the telephone, email, television and music. Some are able to write better with the music on, but if you are learning then you may not want music until you have the skill mastered.

Your first articles will not be perfect, but don't let them stop you, just keep writing. Write, write and write some more. This is the only way that you will ever master the skill. 

You will also need to learn how to take criticism. You may not be able to see your mistakes, but others will, and they are the best ones to help you if you allow them.

So What Is The First Step?

The first step in learning how to write is the familiarize yourself with how punctuation, sentence structures and paragraphs work. Than once you have a basic understanding you can began to write. 

Start by writing short articles on information which you already know. A how-to article is a great place to start as it will help you to keep your information organized and in order. You should learn how to outline your work and then work from the outline. 

If you do this you will never have to worry about repeating yourself in a lengthy article. Believe it or not, this is not hard to do even if you have an outline.

Spend Lots Of Time Reading

You should also invest some of your time into reading. Reading other peoples writings is a great way to become inspired, plus by reading you can also learn how others used their punctuation, and sentence structures.

Reading will also help you to learn new things as well as keep you up to date.

When you find yourself at a loss for words, pick up a book and see how long it takes for those words to come flowing into your mind. This is absolutely the fastest way to break free of writer's block. The book which you pick up to read can be a totally unrelated book to what you are writing, but somehow it never fails me.

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