Monday, May 10, 2010

How To Use Forums For Free Traffic

Forums are a quick and easy way to get traffic to come to your site. With each post that you make you can add a signature which will show up underneath your post. The more of these you have scattered on various different forums the more free traffic you will get.

How To Find Forums 

There are many forums in every niche or market where you can leave as many links as you like. simply do a search using the search engines and you will come across many that you can use. The more forums that you join the more links you can leave and thus the more free traffic you will get. 

You want to look for forums that are very active with lots of members, and forums which rank high within the search engines. The more members the forum has the more active it will be, and thus the more free traffic you will receive. The higher the forums rank the more value will be placed on the links coming from them. 

What To Post

You can make any kind of helpful post related to your site. This will increase your click through to your website. Plus it will also help to establish your credibility.

There are many people who come to the forums with many questions and you should always spend some time answering these. By answering these questions you have the opportunity to  also insert your links to your website, but always make sure that any link you post will be of help to answer the question. Be careful that you do not spam, as this may get you suspended from the forum.

On top of being able to leave your link within your post you can also create a signature which will come up underneath every post you make. Some forums allow you to have as many links as you want but others have a restriction of only 1 or 2, so make sure that you always read the rules so that you can abide by them.

You can also start a new thread with information related to your website that will help others in one way or another. 

You can comment on other people's posts, and add to them by sharing your own views or personal story on the topic.

For lots of free traffic you should spend a couple hours in the forms every day. The more posts that you make the more free traffic you will get. 

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