Thursday, May 20, 2010

5 Ways To Make Money Online

The internet has made it possible to make money online in many different ways. Your goal should be to pick one of these and get your business going before you move on to the next one. You can work on several different methods but not until you have one method off the ground. 

Some methods require that you have a website or a blog while other methods allow you to make money without your own space on the web. 


One of the quickest ways to start earning legitimate money is by investing your time and writing for others. There are many webmasters who are looking for writers to help them write e-books, articles or blog or web content. The reason they hire others is that their work load becomes more than they can handle due to the many websites which they run.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is another quick way to make money if you know how to drive lots of traffic to your website. The great thing about affiliate marketing is that you do not need your own product, but rather you are promoting other people's products and you simply get a share from their profits.


Ebay is a great place to sell your used items as well as other products. Many people find great success by using drop shippers, while others own huge warehouses for their stock.

Drop shippers allow you to get started without any investment; you simply list their products and then when you make the sale you place the order and have it shipped directly to your customer.

If you have a large storage space, and money to invest, then you can order in bulk and make even more than if you were to use a drop shipper.

Creating Products

You can create your own digital products such as computer programs, software programs or ebooks and sell them on sites like ClickBank where other people will do the promoting for you.

Social Media
With Social media you can make money without even owning your own website. All you need is a list of followers and some products to sell or promote and you are all set. Depending on which site you use, you don't even need any content; sites like twitter allow you to just leave a link and then sit back and wait for people to click and buy.

So if you are serious about making money online, you will want to harness the power of all the above, one at a time.

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