Friday, May 14, 2010

How To Become A Fast Typist

It is very important to type fast in order to make money online because it will save you a lot of time in the long run. Investing about 30 minutes each day is all you need to develop this skill. Even if you think you do not have the time, you should still make time whether that be 30 minutes or 5 minutes each day.

A typing course will teach you the proper placing of your fingers on the keyboard. This will help you to type without having to look down at the keyboard. This will help you to type faster as well as prevent neck injuries. Plus if you keep your fingers close to the key board it helps to prevent injury to them as well. 

There are many typing courses that you can take, and one of them is Mavis Beacon. You can purchase this program online and download it to your computer and get started right away. If you do not want to pay for a typing course than you can take advantage of the free typing courses online. These free courses are just as good but they are not as interactive, and do not come with tips and techniques which the Mavis Beacon program does.

Learn To Type

When you first start to learn to type you will not be able to type very fast. Learning the proper  placement of your fingers and not looking at the keyboard will take some time. Perhaps you will only be able to type about 20 words per minute, but that is a good place to start. And as you practice you will gradually become faster.

But do not concentrate on speed as that will cause you to make mistakes which you will have to take the time to fix. But rather you should focus on accuracy because this is the most important part. Once you become one with the keyboard speed will come naturally.
How Fast Should You Be Able To Type?

Your goal should be to type 100 words per minute. This may take you awhile but you can do it. Even if you only get up to 60 word per minute you will find that being able to type this fast is saving you a lot of time. And once you get this far you will want to go even further. 

The more you type the faster you will get, but be careful that you do not injure your fingers, your hands or wrists. If you feel any kind of pain you should stop typing immediately and wait till the pain goes away. 

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