Friday, May 28, 2010

5 Ways To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the fastest ways to make money online, because you do not need to have any of your products to sell. So all you need to do is convince other people to buy through your affiliate links and you can begin to make money almost immediately.

There are many ways to go about making this money and these 5 ways are just the tip of the iceberg.


Blogging is a great way to make money with affiliate marketing. You can set up one blog, two blogs or as many as you like, but the more blogs you set up the more products you will be able to promote, and the end result will be well worth it.

Blogs are normally free and you can use your own domain or you can use a free sub domain. Getting your own domain is better as it looks more professional.


Setting up your own website may take a lot of work but it will make you look more professional as you will have your own domain name and people will take you more seriously. Plus another benefit to having your own website is that you can have complete control over it.

You can put your ads in any place that you like plus you can have the layout and the color scheme suitable for your products. 


Craigslist is free and you can place as many ads up as you like. You can also do product reviews, but the only thing is that you can not leave your affiliate links. However, you can leave your email so people can contact you, and than you send them an email with your affiliate link in it. To make this easier for you you can create a free gmail account which you can set up as an auto responder, which will automatically go out whenever someone requires more information.

Email Marketing

If you have your own website or a blog where you can put up the form for the auto-responder than you can market to people to via email. This means that everyone that you market to will have to sign up using this form, and once they do, you can market to them over and over again. 


Twitter is a great site which allows you to make short entries which are known as tweets. They are just long enough to leave a short descriptive sentence along with your affiliate link. If you are good at writing catchy descriptions and have a lot of followers you can make lots of money, just by using twitter.

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