Thursday, May 6, 2010

Writing For Back Links And Free Traffic

Back links are essential to any website if you want to get free traffic coming from the search engines. The more of these you have, the more free traffic you will get. But quantity is not all, you also want your links coming from websites which are already ranking high with the search engines.

This is where the writing platforms come in. They may take more work than if you were to just do a link exchange or just leave comments, but nevertheless, the work spent into these is well worth it.

Some of these sites are Hubpages, Squidoo, Infobarrel, Helium, RedGage, Xomba, and Associated Content. Make sure to read the regulations of each site as each one has a different set of rules which you must abide by in order to write for them.

Sites like Hubpages and Associated Content are very strict on original content which you cannot have posted anywhere else online, but Xomba and RedGage allow you to add articles which you can have in many different places online. So once the article is written you can submit them to these sites which will only take a few minutes, and the traffic is great.

When writing for writing platforms you may also want to invest some time to build some back links to your articles on these sites as they will get you more traffic as well as help you to rank higher in the search engines.

Building back links to your articles is not hard, as you can link to them from your other articles. So for each article you write, you could add a link to your website, as well as another link or two to other articles which you have written. These articles could be located on the same writing platform, or on another platform.

To be on the safe side, always be sure to check the rules to see how many links you are allowed and do not add any more, or else they may be removed. Some websites like Hubpages do not allow you to add more than 2 links to any specific website.

With writing platforms you not only build back links, but you can also use them to market your products, or if you do not have your own products you can use them for affiliate marketing, or making money with Google adsense, Kontera, Amazon or eBay.

So as you can see, writing to get back links does take more time, but you can accomplish several different tasks just by writing 1 article.

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