Sunday, May 2, 2010

Traffic Strategies

If you want to make money online then you need to learn how to drive traffic to your site. Without traffic you will not make any money. You can but traffic through ad networks plus there are many waays that you can drive lots of free traffic to your site. 

Social Media 

Sites like FaceBook, Twitter, MySpace StumbleUpon and RedGage allow you to drive lots of free traffic to your site. You can have many friends or followers on these sites whom you can develop relationships with and market to them.

Article Marketing

There are many article dreecterys which you can submit your articals to in exchange for free traffic as each article allows you to place at least one link back to your website. Most of these articles need only be short some directorys exept them at a word count of 250. but always make sure to read thier rules to make sure you stay within their guidlines as some requre a minimun of 400. 

Link Exchanges 

A fast way to get free traffic is to contact other web masters which are rlated to your site and ask them for a link exchange. These links will not be as valued in the search engines but they will still get you lots of free traffic.

Leaving Comments

You can also vist related websites or blogs and leave helpful comments in the comment sections. Thiis will get you a backlink to your website. If you can be the first to commment your commment will stay on top which means that anyone that reads that blog poast will be able to see your comment and click through to your site. But this does not mean that you should always be the first to comment. 


Forums are another great way to get free traffic, you can build your signature links so that whenever you leave a post, your link will show up underneath so that others can click through to your website to find out more about you. 

Writing Platform

Writing platforms are also another great way to get lots of free traffic coming to your website. These may take a little more work as you have to write many lengthy articles, but the end results will be well worth it.

These are only a few ways to get you started to drive lots of free traffic as there are many other strategies which you can use, and you should always be looking for a new way or a new site to build more links so you can get more traffic coming. 

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