Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Free Gifts To Give Away

Giving away free gifts is a great way to jump-start your online business. They will help you to establish your online credibility, plus they will help you to get more free traffic by marketing the free gift on article directories or social media sites.

Free gifts do not have to be expensive, but they should be gifts which you could sell at a decent price, and others should be able to benefit from them in one way or another. Never give away anything that you would not buy, as this could hurt you more than help you. So what are some of the gifts that you could give away? Here are a few ideas to get you started.


Ebooks are the most popular and most effective gifts to give away for free. Once you have taken the time to create the ebook you will have no costs to ship it or anything as your customers can simply download it online.

Ebooks can be anything from product information, statistics, motivational, or tutorials. As long as it is related to your business you can give it away.


Videos are also a great way to entice people to come to your website, or to gain their trust. These could be to demonstrate how your products work, more information, or just to walk your customers through certain steps regarding your products.

Product Samples

If you are selling products which can easily be put into samples then this is a great product to give away. To keep the shipping costs down, you could offer the samples along with an order, or have the customer pay the shipping.

When giving away free samples make sure that it is in your budget to do so, as the costs could add up quite fast.


You can also hold a special contest and give away free prizes to the winners. Again these prizes can be anything from an ebook to an actual product which you can ship. When you are giving your product away as a prize you should never charge the shipping fee to the winner, as this may come as a surprise to them and they may not return back to your website.
If you are just starting your online business then free samples or prizes may not be suitable because of the high costs involved, so before you give these away, make sure that it is in your budget to do so.

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