Friday, June 11, 2010

Save Time By Using Multiple Computers

For the most part you only need one computer when working online, but if you have several websites or blogs to maintain you may find it useful to have several computers which you can work on. This makes it easier for many different reasons and will help you to be more efficient.

Easier For Bookmarking

If you are in several different markets then a computer for each market will come in handy, as you will be able to keep your bookmarks organized for each market.

This will also allow you to save all your account logins so that you can login automatically without having to log out, and then log in with the other account. This alone can save you a lot of time.

Taking Notes

If you do a lot of research for your writing then you may find that 2 computers are essential, as you can search for the information using one computer, and use the other to take notes. This eliminates the need to write it down, plus typing is a lot faster, and thus you save a lot of time.

Plus saving your notes on a computer will save you from having to deal with a lot of files which tend to build up over time, making it almost impossible to find your notes when you need them.


Having multiple computers will allow you to still continue to work when one breaks down. Additionally you won't have to put up with a slow computer when you do your periodic scans, or when defragmenting your hard drive.


Having several computers at your desk will allow you to easily switch between projects without you having to close them down before starting a new project. This way when you get stuck, simply go to the other computer and work on something different until you are ready to go back to your earlier project.

Stay Organized

Having more than one computer will help you to stay more organized as you can keep everything separate. The amount of files and programs stored on each computer will only be a fraction of what they would be if you only had one, and thus you will be able to find your files much faster.

You should have a laptop where you can easily have access to all accounts such as email, twitter or any program which you use frequently. This way you can take it with you where ever you go, and still stay in touch.

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