Thursday, June 3, 2010

How To Provide Content On A Regular Basis

If you are a blogger or webmaster you should get in the habit of providing your readers with new content on a regular basis. This will not only keep your readers happy but the search engines as well. 

By updating your website or blog on a regular basis the search engines will know when to come and index your site and any new webpages which you may have. So the benefits are just as great for you, because you will get search engine traffic much quicker.

Not uploading on a regular basis will cause your website or blog to fall from the rankings within a matter of days, and it is hard to get that ranking back up.

Write In Advance

Always write your content well in advance, as you never know when you will encounter an emergency. Most blogs allow you to upload your blog posts and schedule them months in advance. But make sure to keep a note or some kind of reminder to let you know when to upload more content, as you could easily forget.

If you do not have a blog, but are uploading your content to your website you can still create your content in advance, but you will still have to take the time to upload it on a regular basis. But if you have your pages done, uploading will only take a few seconds. You can also hire others to do the uploading for you if worse comes to worse.

Have Others Write For You

If you do not have time to create new content on a regular basis you can always have other people to do the writing for you. There are lots of people who are willing to write for a reasonable amount of money. Simply advertise on Elance, Guru or even Craigslist and you should get lots of applications.
If you have a blog which focuses a lot on your personal success or achievements, then you may not want others to write it for you, or you may not want to write in advance. But even if it is a personal blog you can still have some content which you can upload and schedule in advance. This content can be very general, like a how to, or other information which is not time sensitive.

It will take some time to create this much information, and it will be hard to keep it up at first, but eventually it will get easier.

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