Sunday, June 27, 2010

Why You Should Become A Blogger

There are probably just as many bloggers online as there are webmasters. Many bloggers simply blog for the joys of blogging, but many who are in it for the money rake in huge fortunes.

The potential to make money with blogging is just as great as it is by having a website. But money should not be your only motivator to start and maintain a blog, as there should always be a personal reason or motivation behind every blog.

For The Joys Of Blogging

I see so many bloggers who have high ranking blogs but no product to sell, nor are they advertising any affiliate products, or have any ads on their blog. They simply blog because they enjoy blogging. This gives them a chance to make a difference in the world.

If you want to make blogging an adventure (but still make money), then you should venture into a market where you enjoy the topic. You can still make money, but it will feel a lot less like work, and you will have more motivation to keep it updated on a regular basis.

To Make Money

If you are looking for ways to make money online, then you definitely want to blog for the income. It may take a while before you see a steady stream of income, but if you stick with it, the money will eventually come.

The methods which you can use to make money with blogging are endless. If you have your own products you can sell them on your blog. If you do not have your own product you can promote affiliate products. There are affiliate programs to compliment any niche or market, sometimes you just may have to look for them, but they are out there.

You can also place many ads on your blog, like Google adsense, Kontera, or product ads from your affiliate programs.

To Work At Home

Last but not least, the most important reason why you should blog is so that you can work at home, and forget about commuting to work each day. It will give you more time to spend with your family, plus, you may also have more vacations.
So if you don't have a blog yet, now is the time to start blogging. You can get a free blog with
Blogger or WordPress. If you want to put ads on your blog then you should use Blogger because with WordPress you cannot put any ads up. 
ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure IncomeBlogging For DummiesBlogging for Bliss: Crafting Your Own Online Journal: A Guide for Crafters, Artists & Creatives of all Kinds

1 comment:

JonCohen said...

Hi Ms. Reimer,

Hi Helen,

This is Jonathan the Community Manager from Kontera. Thanks for including our In-Text network in your discussion about the joys of blogging. We’re very proud of how Kontera performs for blogs and all text heavy websites.

What makes Kontera so effective for bloggers is our Contextual Technology, an algorithm that rather than just scanning for keywords, can actually read your web pages for meaning. This added layer of targeting is how we provide you with the most relevant, high CTR and better CPC ads.

Additionally Kontera offers an exclusive ad inventory from such big brand names as National Geographic, J.C. Penny, Volvo, Sprint, Microsoft, L’Oreal, and Dove. These premium, often Rich-Media ads are the most attractive to site visitors, offer the best possible CPC,and can only be seen on sites featuring Kontera.

If you’d like to become a part of the Kontera Network, we’re currently offering new publishers a 70% revenue share which the best rate in the industry. We’re also giving those same new publishers a $50 bonus, if they reach at least 25,000 U.S. page views during their first thirty days on the network. Additionally, the minimum payment threshold has recently lowered from $100 to $50, across all payment methods, so now bloggers are getting their revenue faster than ever.

You can learn even more about the Kontera Network by visiting our Publishers Page:


- Jonathan Cohen
Kontera Community Manager