Saturday, June 5, 2010

Where To Get Ideas For Your Articles

When you set up your blog or website you will constantly need new ideas for your content. There may be times when it will seem as though you have written about everything that you can, but you will still need to write more. So what do you do when you come across this situation? Where can you get more ideas? 

The truth is, ideas are everywhere around you, you just need to look for them. 

Your Experience 

There will always be a lot to write from your experiences, even though you may think you have covered it all. There is still a lot more to cover, you may just have to look at it from a different perspective. 

If you discover that you really have covered everything, then you need to learn something new, pick up a new hobby, or take an evening course.


When it seems as though you are at a dead end you should start reading other peoples' writings as you will be inspired by them. This does not mean that you should copy other writings but by reading them you will be able to combine the information with your knowledge for a totally new article, and a totally new point of view. 

Google Trends 

Google trends will help you to find out what people are searching for. Then all you have to do is write about it. Sometimes you will have all the answers off the bat and other times you will have to do some research but this doesn't have to take you long. This method will also ensure that you will get fair amounts of traffic to your content, because folks are searching for it.

Yahoo Answers 

This is a place where people can go to ask questions and anybody can answer them. But even though the questions are already answered you can still write a more thorough answer for your readers, as many may have had the same questions. 

Ask Your Readers 

Last but not least, the best why to find out what to write about is to ask your readers. They will let you know what they would like to know more about and then you simply do the writing. It doesn't get any easier than that.

There are many other ways to get your ideas, in the park, at the mall, or even at the grocery store...if you keep your eyes and ears open you will always have something to write about.

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