Thursday, June 17, 2010

How To Avoid Distractions

When working at home, you may soon find yourself unable to work because of all the distractions you have to deal with. But there are ways to somewhat eliminate your distractions so that you can still get a fair amount of work done.

Get An Office

The best way to eliminate distractions is to designate one room as your home office. This will get you away from the commotion and you will be able to avoid most distractions.

If you do not have such a room you may want to look for a quiet corner.

Turn Off The Phone

When turning off the phone you should always make sure to leave your answering machine on so that you can return any missed calls.

You should also turn off your email client or any other alerts which you may be getting on your computer.

Ear Plugs

Sometimes you may not have the convenience of your own office and may have to resort to a corner somewhere in the same room as where everyone else is. This situation could make it rather difficult for you to concentrate on your tasks, so you may want to use earplugs so you can tune everyone out until your work is done.

This allows everyone else to continue with their activities, and they won't resent you for trying to do your work at this time.

Earplugs can also be helpful if your office is situated in a noisy neighborhood where you cannot avoid the noise of children playing or barking dogs.

Be Organized

Being organized can also help you to avoid getting distracted. This means you should have all your files, pens and notebooks in a place where you know where to find them, so that you will not be distracted by having to look for them when you need them. This will also help to save you a lot of time.


Generally you will not want your music on, but in certain situations on-going music may help you to drown out any noise in the background which is distracting you. This could be from cars and trucks driving by your street, as well as your children, or the neighbor's children as they play outside.

There will always be distractions which you cannot get rid of, but by getting rid of those which you can get rid of, you will increase your productivity and will be able to stay more motivated to work.

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