Sunday, June 13, 2010

How To Manage Your Time

Starting your home based business will take a lot of your time so you may find yourself working at it every waking moment of spare time that you have. Therefore it is essential that you learn how to manage your time efficiently. 

Starting Your Work Day 

When your alarm clock goes off in the morning do not hit the snooze button, as this will only make you lazy, making it harder for you to get started in your day. If this means that you have to go to bed an hour earlier then do so. 

You should start your work day as early as you can everyday, and spend at least 15 minutes to half an hour of brainstorming and deciding what you will do that day. This will help you to stay focused throughout your whole day so that you can get more done. 

Take Frequent Breaks 

Studies have shown that if you take a short five to ten minute break every hour, it increases your productivity. Use this time to drink lots of water or eat fresh fruits and vegetables to refuel yourself. Taking a break will also help to eliminate the stress of looking at the computer, from typing or from sitting in one position for too long. 

Go for a short walk after lunch to get some exercise as well as fresh air. This fresh air will stimulate your brain cells, allowing you to get more work done. 

Set A Schedule 

Make a schedule for yourself of when you will work and then stick to it. During your work sessions you should turn off your telephone as well as your email or any other alerts that you might be getting. This will help you to avoid distractions so that you can stay focused on your work to get if done faster.

If you turn off that telephone make sure that you have your answering machine on so that you can return any missed calls. People should understand that you are working and that you cannot always pick up the phone when it rings. 

Use A Timer

Give yourself an allotted time slot for each task, and then set a timer to motivate yourself to get the job done within that time frame. If your task is not completed within that time frame, move on to the next task if possible. This method will motivate you to pick up your pace. 

Now of course when you work at home you can always go at your own pace, but by managing your time effectively you will make more money, plus you will have more time for social activities.

Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free ProductivityTime Management In an Instant: 60 Ways to Make the Most of Your Day (In an Instant (Career Press))Successful Time Management For Dummies

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