Sunday, January 31, 2010

Using Google Spreadsheets

Spreadsheets are an absolute must for every internet marketer, or business owner. If you are not familiar with them, then you should familiarize yourself with Google Spreadsheets. These sheets can be accessed from your Google account, and are 100% free, safe and secure, and very easy to use. Plus you can access them from anywhere in the world where there is an internet connection.

If you are new to online marketing, a spreadsheet may seem like a waste of time to you, but as you start building your webpages, and websites you will begin to see the importance of keeping all information stored neatly in one file, a several files. So I recommend you start off by keeping all your information neatly organized in order to avoid having to clean up a huge mess later.

You need to keep track of domain names, and if you are writing for online writing platform such as Hubpages, or Squidoo, you need to keep track of all these URLs as well. You also need to keep track of all the pages within your websites. 

The reason you want to do this is because you will want to continue to build more and more back links to these pages, and if you have them all stored away neatly in one file, you will not have to dig through your site every time you want to create a simple back link. 

You should also keep track of all articles which you may be writing and submitting to article directories. 

You can create multiple spreadsheets in one main sheet to have all your information from one domain, or from one niche all in one main spreadsheet file.

Once you get going in internet marketing you will soon discover that you have registered with more sites, such as social networking sites, bookmarking sites, affiliate networks, and created more usernames and passwords than you can remember. Spreadsheets are an excellent tool to keep track of all this information.

If you are an affiliate marketer, you can use Google spreadsheets to keep track of all your affiliate links; and if you have products to sell, you can use is to keep track all your products and prices.

Earnings and all expenses should also be kept track of, and you can do that with the Google spreadsheets as well.

So no matter what your business you are in, even if you are only a blogger, using a spreadsheet is essential, and in the end, being organized will keep you from pulling out your hair.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Setting Up A Gmail Account

Gmail is short for Google mail, and by setting up a free account you are setting yourself up for a lot more than just a Gmail Account. With Gmail you can send e-mails, add contacts, and chat.

Google has a lot of free tools and products designed especially for the online marketer, and the good thing about Gmail is that you can quickly and easily log into all your accounts with one single log in. Now depending on how many tools you use from Google, this will save you a lot of headaches and a lot of time as well.

Everything can be kept neatly in one place making it extremely easy to access your documents or other tools or programs which you might use.
If making money online is one of your goals, or even if you're already making money, you'll find that using the Google tools is much easier than any other program. There are some programs which are obviously not as great as if you were to purchase them from another company, but nevertheless, Google is a great place to start. 

Some of these tools which are not as great are the PDF creator, I prefer open office; and Google docs also do not have all the features which Microsoft Word does. But I use Google docs because opening a new file is just so much easier than with Word, plus I can see all the files names and folders before I even open.

But the keyword research tool is fantastic, and I would never consider switching to another, I also love Analytics, Webmaster tools, Google reader, Blogger, and so many others.

What I like most is that I can keep all my spreadsheets, documents, calenders and daily tasks all in one convenient place. I don't need to open three different programs which will only slow my computer down.

Google also makes it extremely easy for file sharing; you decide who gets to see your files and you can share documents, pictures, and even your calender. Plus none of the files which you create are stored on your computer, which allows you to access your files from any computer around the world.

So if you don't have a Gmail account yet, I would encourage you to check it out and at least give it a try. All you do is go to and in the top left-hand corner you should see a link which says Gmail; this link will take you directly to a page where you can either log in, or sign up for your free account.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Using Google Docs

Google has many different products which they offer to the public absolutely for free, and Google Docs is one of them. This is basically a 3-in-1 replacement for Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. If you have those programs and even if you like them, you still might want to give Google Docs a try for various reasons. And if you don't have those programs, then Google Docs is definitely something you want to take a look at.

With Google docs you can create documents similar to Word Documents, and you even get the help of a spell-checker, a word count, and all the tools to format your text, line spacing and more. You can easily insert images, comments, footnotes, headers, tables, links, and a table of contents.

You can also create spreadsheets which are a must for every internet marketer or business owner to keep track of their business information. What I really like about the Google spreadsheets is that you can create multiple sheets within one main sheet. This makes it extremely easy to keep all your information neatly stored in one file.

Google Docs also allows you to create presentations similar to what you can create with PowerPoint. You have easy access to all kinds of templates and forms to create resumes, schedules, invoices, and calendars to keep track of your events.

Google also allows you to easily collaborate your work with your employees or co-workers. You decide who has access to the files and who can edit your files. You can also see who has made any changes, when the changes were made, and you decide whether you will go with the changes or not.

When you are finished with your documents you can leave them where they are in your Google account, or you can download them as a regular file, text, Word, Excel, HTML, CSS, OpenOffice, or as a PDF file. Each program will give you slightly different options as to what kind of file you can download it as.

The best thing about Google Docs is that you can keep all your files neatly organized in one place; all your documents, spreadsheets, and presentations, and open them all from on location. 

Plus there is nothing to download; all the programs, tools, and templates are all accessed through your Google account.

Last but not least, because these files are stored in your Google account, and not your computer, you can have access to your files from anywhere in the world where there is a connection to the internet, and it is completely secure.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My EzineArticles Holiday Mug

I just want to take the time to show off my new EzineArticles Holiday coffee mug! It arrived yesterday along with a nice EzineArticles coaster, and some yummy coffee which I was not expecting.

I was expecting a regular sized mug, but was surprised to find that it is a large can hold two cups of coffee.

I am very glad to have participated in the EzineArticles writing challenge. This mug is well worth the effort I put forth to write those articles, not to mention the free traffic I received from them.

EzineArticles is holding another challenge right now which ends on April 10, 2010. There is still lots of time to enter, all you have to do is submit 100 articles between Jan. 1, 2010, and April 10, 2010 and you will receive a mug, mousepad, beachball and a cap. All articles that are submitted for the challenge must be at least 400 words in length.

So you have nothing to loose, write those articles and get your free mug!

Thanks to all the staff at EzineArticles!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Getting a Domain Name

When starting an online business it is important that every legitimate business owner has their own domain name. Simply because it makes them look more professional, and it is easier for people to remember instead of a long subdomain.

A domain name is basically your online address, and this is how people find your website. The format of a domain name looks like this: "", and the format of a subdomain would look something like this: "" 

Do you see the difference, and how this could effect your business? Not only is the subdomain longer and harder to remember, but it also makes the website look unprofessional, or untrustworthy. 

Another advantage of getting your own domain name is that you can use it to host your email address on it. Your email would look something like this "". This also makes you look more professional.

So if you are serious about making money online, and establishing your business, then a domain name is essential.

The average cost for a domain name is about $10 per year. Once you claim your domain it is yours for life, or as long as you keep renewing it each year. You do not have to be a business owner, nor do you need a business license to get a domain name.

If you have a particular domain in mind, then you might want to buy it today, because domain names do go fast. As a matter of fact most of the domains with good keywords are already taken. But that does not mean that you can not get a good one for your business, you might just have to be more creative in order to come up with something good.

One of the best places to get a domain name is with Godaddy. They are one of the largest domain registrars online, and offer great services which can be trusted. You can pay for the domain either with paypal or your credit card.

They even give you free hosting with the purchase of a domain name. The only problem with the free hosting is that Godaddy displays a huge ad on your webpages, which does not look very professional.

But you can get very cheap hosting with them for as little as $5.00 per month.

Another great provider is HostMonster; they also allow you to register a domain name and provide you with hosting.

So if you are serious about making money online, then you owe it to yourself to get your own domain name.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Build A Free Web Site With BlinkWeb

For some reason or other some people are not very trusting when it comes to making money online, and so they are unwilling to invest into an online business. This is probably due to the fact that so many people are failing, or are just not making enough to make ends meet. And so the people around them don't even try because they think it is either impossible, or too late.

Well it is not impossible and it is not too late. Anyone can still get in on the online business and start making a fortune, because it is never too late.

But then there are those who want to do it, but they don't try either because they simply have no money to invest.

But thanks to an awesome site called BlinkWeb, everyone can now afford to start their own online business from scratch, and it does not cost them anything. BlinkWeb will provide everyone with a free hosting account, and a free subdomain as well.

You can upgrade to a paid account any time after your site begins to make more money, and you also have the opportunity to win free hosting for life simply by referring others to BlinkWeb.

BlinkWeb has many features which will help you to build a professional looking website in a matter of minutes so you can start making money. You can create blog pages, sales letters and web pages all within one site.

If you have never built a website before, you can watch the free training videos which BlinkWeb provides you with, and all you have to do is follow their instructions.

You do not need to know any HTML, or CSS; you simply click on a widget and drag and drop it to where you want it on the webpage. If you are familiar with CSS and HTML you can add your own code to make your site unique to the way you want it to be. You can also upload files from your computer.

You are provided with easy to use widgets that will allow you to post videos from Youtube and Google, you can add pictures, a guest book, map, optin forms, and order buttons. You can also add Google Adsense and other ads by using the custom HTML box.

So you have absolutely nothing to loose, and everything to gain by building a free website with BlinkWeb.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Importance Of Traffic

Building a website is easy, but getting traffic to your site is a whole different story. The term traffic refers to the number of visitors which come to your website. Many people set up great websites but fail because they are unable to generate enough traffic to pay for their time or their costs.

It really does not matter whether you are making money with Adsense, other affiliate programs, or if you are selling your own products; the math is simple; zero traffic equals zero dollars, but lots of traffic equals lots of dollars.

Now I'm talking a fair amount of traffic of at lest 1-5 thousand visitors per day. If you can get this amount of traffic, then you will make enough to earn a good living. Depending on your market, or how well you monetize your website, you may not even need this many.

SEO is important to help the search engines find you better, plus with SEO you will get more targeted traffic, which will also help to make more money.

Advertising is also very important. You need to take time out of your busy schedule and use sites like twitter, stumbleupon, Digg, or whatever methods you can come across to help get the word out about your website.

You need to develop an effective marketing strategy that will work for you. If you have a lot of time on your hands, then you should take advantage of all the free ways to get traffic, like social media site, article writing, or writing blog posts for others in an exchange for a link to your site.

If you don't have time then you can buy ads from Google, Yahoo, and other web sites. This is the quickest and one of the most effective ways to get traffic without spending a lot of time on advertising. But the costs can add up very quickly. Setting a daily budget will help you to not overspend in this area.

But what about if you have neither time or money? Then you might have to take things at a slower pace, and perhaps use a little of both; use the free ways to get traffic, and also buy a few ads here and there.

Creating a good amount of regular traffic will not happen overnight, so you need to be persistent with driving traffic to your site; if one method fails, simply try another. And if you stick with it, eventually you will succeed.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Create A Free Website With Yola

Yola is a great place to get started with your online business. You get to create a free website; fully featured that will have you making money as soon as you get some traffic coming in.

And although it is nice to know HTML, you do not have to know any coding to get started. So if you are considering building a website, but not sure where to begin, Yola is the perfect place to start.

They provide you with free training videos which walk you through each step, and once you are done watching those videos, you can begin to create your website using their free website builder.

You get to choose from over 100 templates to make your site your very own, plus you can upload your own banner, and if you know your HTML, you can even add your own code if you like.

Now when Yola says fully featured, they really do mean fully featured; you can add Google maps, YouTube videos, flickr photos along with other forms to collect information from your visitors. You can also add Google adsense, and a paypal shopping cart to help you to sell your own products. Plus you also get to choose from over 60,000 other widgets to place on your site.

All of the above is free with no banner or pop-up ads. With your free account you are allowed to create up to 5 different websites, with 1GB of storage each.

You can upgrade to a paid hosting should you ever decide to do so, and with a paid hosting account you can create up to 25 sites with 5GB of storage per site.

Why would you ever need 25 websites? Well for one you can go into different markets, or niches; two, you can build one main website and then use the others to link back to the main site. This is called creating back links for your main site; the more back links you have the more traffic you will get from search engines like Google and Yahoo.

Yola gives you the choice of buying your own domain name, or you can get a free subdomain from them. Having your own domain is better, but, if you are not sure of what to do, you can always upgrade later and Yola will simply redirect your old domain to your new domain so that you won't loose any back links or traffic.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Creating Multiple Streams Of Income

You have probably heard the old saying, "Never put all your eggs in one basket." I am sure that it was a good rule to follow in the good old days, but it is even more important for us to follow it today. The way that businesses come and go, we cannot be certain whether any of them will still be around tomorrow. 

So we need to scatter our eggs, or build multiple sources of income, in case one fails, then we still have the other to fall back on. In the physical world this is a tough thing to do, but online, it really is not that hard to accomplish. It just takes a lot of hard work, time and persistence.

All you do is create one blog or website in one niche or market; then build a bunch of mini sites around it, and start writing articles for article directories to get some back links. This will start the flow of traffic, and then all you do is sign up with different affiliate companies and start promoting their products related to your website or blog. You can create as many websites or blogs as you like within one niche and promote as many products, programs or services as you like. 

The hardest part is driving traffic to your website, but once you have established a significant amount of traffic with your mini sites, and articles, you will start making more money than what you ever imagined. 

Then you simply keep repeating the above step in different niches or markets. The first time around will always be the toughest, but once you have the hang of it, you will be able to create a money making website in a very short period of time. 

There are many markets which you can get into that you do not have to know much about, if you can write copy then you can promote those products.

If you like to write you can also write for online writing platforms such as Hubpages, and Squidoo, and make money with Google Adsense, Kontera, Ebay, and Amazon.

There are many affiliate networks, or ad networks which you can sign up with, where you can get paid every time someone clicks.

You can write e-books and sell them, thus building a residual income. A residual income is basically an income where you do the work once, and it will continue to pay you until you pass on.

The possibilities are endless!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Email Marketing

E-mail marketing is an excellent strategy to increase your traffic, sales, and overall success of your website. Those not using this marketing strategy are not operating their business to the full potential, the reason being is when people come to your website, they may never come back unless they get a friendly reminder in their inbox from time to time.

With e-mail marketing what you are basically doing is collecting e-mail addresses which you can then market to others via e-mail whenever you want, day or night. All you need is an autoresponder, and you can get one with Aweber, or Constant Contact. Both have reasonable rates and excellent services.

If you have a new product, program or service, simply send out several e-mails telling your potential customers about the product, and when they can expect to be able to purchase their own. Then when the product is ready for selling, you simply send out another e-mail and watch the money as it comes in. The larger your list, the more money you will make. The great thing about this is that you can even do this with affiliate products and generate affiliate sales.

With an autoresponder you can also pre-program your e-mails and send them out at a specified date and time, or a specific amount of time after the person has entered their email address. This feature is great if you are offering a free course; that way you can specify for them to receive one lesson per day, every other day, or once a week. Plus this free course will continue to generate leads for you for many years to come.

Another option that you have is you can build multiple lists; one list could be for a free course, while another could be, information on your products, upcoming events, and if you have newsletters you can also use the autoresponder to send them out as well. The possibilities are endless.

Whatever you do, only send emails to people who have given you permission to do so, these are people who have signed up through one of your optin forms. If someone opts out to not receive any more e-mails from you, you need to respect that and remove them from your list as they requested.

The best part about e-mail marketing is that you can write your material months in advance and be on vacation when your e-mails go out.

So if you have not tried e-mail marketing yet, then you owe it to yourself to give it a try.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Astounding Fifteen - 15 Benefits of Starting Your Own Internet Marketing Business

The Astounding Fifteen - 15 Benefits of Starting Your Own Internet Marketing Business

By Jeff Casmer

Internet Marketing is very trendy because it’s an easy way to make money online from home. Whether you want to replace your job’s salary or just want to earn some extra cash, internet marketing is the best way of potentially doing what you enjoy.

With an internet marketing business, you can earn some money and get some checks rolling in. But the checks you get in the post are just the icing on the cake!

The benefits of starting your own internet marketing business are simply staggering. Presented in this article are all the key benefits you get by starting your own internet marketing business.

After reading them, I am sure you will ask yourself “Why am I not into internet marketing?!”

1. You are THE BOSS! Yes, this is the most fantastic benefit of having your own internet marketing business. You call the shots! No pressures of a demanding boss or work mates. You escape the rat race, no sitting in the car in the traffic! You set your own hours and targets. You work in your own home, in your own hours.

2. The money is YOURS! If you work hard, the benefits are all yours – isn’t that great? What you earn is not fixed or decided by someone else who thinks they know what you are ‘worth’.

3. Better work-life balance. Do you know how enslaving it is to be stuck with your 9-5 job that does not pay you anywhere near what you actually need to make ends meet. With internet marketing, you get a better work-life balance since you can work from home and set your own goals. You just have to set down your goals of how much you want to earn with your online business and go for it! You can work from home and spend more time with your beloved ones.

4. You can start building your internet marketing business while working part time, until you are ready to get into it full time. You can still keep your job that pays the bills while you are building your internet marketing “empire”. No pressure – you set your targets and you go from there! With an internet marketing business, you can work on it around your current job or commitments. It’s unlike other types of businesses where if you start, you have to be involved ‘hands-on’ full time straight away.

5. Small initial capital outlay. Most businesses require you to have a huge amount of savings to get started. With internet marketing, you can start on any shoe string budget and gradually build your business. You can start an internet marketing business by joining an affiliate program for free and market it using the free or cheap advertising methods and start getting some checks coming in.

6. Low operating costs. With other businesses, you will be looking at high monthly bills to cover personnel, rent etc. With internet marketing type of a business, you have no huge operating costs. Your main costs will be advertising, hosting fees and merchant accounts, among others.

7. High Profit margins. Low running costs means you can quickly break even and start making profits. Most importantly, as you build your business, your profits will be just so huge. Your costs for any single sale will be very low.

8. You can AUTOMATE your business! This is one of the very attractive aspects of running an internet marketing business. You have heard it before – you can make money while you are asleep or on holiday. You can not do this with other types of businesses. In internet marketing, you can use various tools to automate your business – auto responder email system, payments and credit card processing systems. You just need to set these things up and you are ready to go. Nothing beats having financial security on autopilot. Your website will do the work for your 24 hours every day of the year. This leaves you more time to do other things like marketing or expanding your internet marketing business.

9. Unlimited Market Potential. Your internet marketing business can be as far reaching as you want it to be. Other business will tend to be ‘local’, but with internet marketing, your market could be world wide. This increases the potential market size you can capture. Access to and use of the internet will continue to grow in the future, so your market will also potentially grow.

10. You do not need your own product. There are various internet marketing business models. You can start making money online without a product, for example, with affiliate marketing. You can market other people’s products and earn huge commissions.

11. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Internet marketing is one type of a business where you can simple model yourself on a proven business that works, hence shortening your learning curve. With other types of businesses, you will have to learn as you go, doing ‘trial and error’, which is costly and frustrating. You do not have to waste time and time figuring it out. There are established experts who have made it in the internet marketing business – just get the blue prints and duplicate it!

12. Free Resources. With other businesses – whatever resource you need, you have to pay for it. In internet marketing, you can get ezines or forums with invaluable tips. If you have pay for something, it’s not normally hugely expensive.

13. You are part of a community of amazing people. Internet marketers tend to be very supportive and helpful lot. You can join some good forums where you get amazing support.

14. Tax breaks. When you run an internet marketing business, you can write off many costs. You just need to consult with your accountant and establish the tax breaks you can get. Key costs for which you can get tax breaks are office supplies, advertising, telephone and fax lines, training etc.

15. Help you be the best you can be! This the ultimate benefit. You get pride from running your own business. You get to achieve your maximum potential. You can financially secure, and can retire early.
With all these benefits available for you if you start an internet marketing business, what are you waiting for? Get started!

Jeff Casmer is an award winning entrepreneur, keynote speaker, and internet marketing consultant with career sales over $25,000,000. His "Top Ranked" Earn Money at Home Directory gives you all the information you need to start, maintain, and prosper with your very own Internet Home Based Business in the 21st century.

Article Source:

Monday, January 11, 2010

How To Get More Traffic To Your Site

You can build the best site online, but if you don't have good quality traffic coming to your site, then it won't do you any good. The best kind of traffic that you can get is the traffic which Google and other search engines send, but in order for them to send you traffic, you have to have traffic coming in from other sites.

Google and other search engines rank your site according how much traffic you have coming in, or how many backlinks you have. The reason they do this is because the focus of the search engines is to take their users to good, high quality web-sites, and so they look at how many other sites are linking back to you to determine the worthiness of your site, and send you traffic accordingly.

So how do you go about getting others to link to you? The answer is very simple, but it will take a tremendous amount of work on your behalf.

Quality Content

The most important thing that you can do in generating a good amount of traffic is to create quality content. If your content is of no value, or poorly written, then no one will stick around your site, or link back to you.

But if your content is great, and people are helped by it, they will link back to you. They will blog about it, or just add your link somewhere on their site. People who don't have their own website or blog may participate in online groups or forums and make mention of your site there. Others will email your link to their friends and family so they too can view your content.

When Google and other search engines see that others are voluntarily talking about you, they have no choice but to give you a higher ranking. So you can see the importance of creating quality content.


SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which help the search engines to better find you. There are many SEO strategies which you can apply, but one of the most important ones is adding keywords to your content.

You should always do a keyword research, and decide which keywords you want to optimize for and then add them into your title, description and content. Also when you link back to your site from a blog, forum, or social media site, you want to create a hypertext link and add your keyword when naming the link.

The more keywords the search engines find, either on your site or in hypertext links, the higher you will rank for those particular keywords.

Social Marketing

Social marketing is probably one of the quickest ways to build backlinks and get the flow of traffic started. Social marker is a free tool to help you to add your links to sites like Stumbleupon, Twitter, Digg, Delicious, Propeller and many more.

MySpace and Facebook are also great marketing tools, and are free for everyone to use.

Article Marketing

Article marketing takes a bit more work, but is a great way to generate free traffic and build backlinks. All you do is write an article and submit it to online article marketing directories such as E-zine Articles, Go-Articles, Article Biz, Article City, Article Click, and Best Ezines.

These directories allow you to add your link at the bottom of each article so people can go to your site and get more information. Other webmasters or bloggers are free to use your article on their site provided they keep your link intact, thus generating even more traffic and backlinks.

Another great reason why article marketing is effective, is it helps you to establish your online credibility.


Participating in forum conversations is another excellent way to generate free traffic. Many people when they have a question they go directly to a forum instead of using the search engines. If you can be the first to answer a question, then you will get traffic through your forum link because people automatically will want to know more about what you have to offer.


Starting a blog related to your site is another great way to get traffic. This way when you add new content to your site, you can blog about it from different angle and link back to your site. Blogger is a great platform because it is owned by Google, and so it naturally ranks good within the search engines.

You can also guest write on other people's blogs which will give you a link back to your site in return for writing the content.

Another great way to get traffic from blogs is by commenting on other people's blogs. Try to find a blog which ranks high and be the first to leave a comment which is relative and helpful to the readers. When people see your comment they will want to know more about you and naturally visit your site.

Link Exchanges

A link exchange is where you and another webmaster link to each other; you send them traffic, and they send you traffic.

Link exchanges work to get you more traffic, but they don't necessarily help you to rank higher within the search engines, because Google only looks at one-way links, meaning if sites link to you without you having to link back to them.

Write an E-Book

Writing an e-book and putting your links within the book is another way to generate a good amount of traffic. You can sell the e-book, or give it away for free; you will profit either way, but most likely the results will be better if you give it away for free.


Las but not least, just write. There are many free writing platforms which allow you to post your articles or documents along with links back to your sites. These sites are Squidoo, Hubpages, Scribd, Gather, eHow, HowHub, Tumblr, and Knol.

Start off with one site and build a readership and then move on to the next one. Yes it is a lot of work, but the end result is well worth it.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

What Are Your Goals For The New Year?

So what are your goals for the new year?

I spent some time on New Years Eve to go over some of the goals I want to accomplish this year. And my ultimate goal for this year is to be able to make a good living online. I'm already making money, but not enough to live on.

I don't have a job besides my online business so I should have no excuse not to succeed as I will have all the time in the world. Right?

So my main goal is to get lots of traffic to my sites. One way I will accomplish that is by writing lots of articles and making regular updates to my sites. I also want to start blogging on a regular basis.

I also want to eat as healthy as I can so that I will have lots of energy to accomplish all my goals. I have discovered that by avoiding junk food I have a lot more energy, and I eat less! Imagine that, avoid junk food and save money on groceries!

Anyway, most of the time when I make resolutions I only keep about half of them, but this time I decided to follow a few basic rules that will help me to stay on track. Click here to find out how to set goals for success.