Tuesday, January 5, 2010

What Are Your Goals For The New Year?

So what are your goals for the new year?

I spent some time on New Years Eve to go over some of the goals I want to accomplish this year. And my ultimate goal for this year is to be able to make a good living online. I'm already making money, but not enough to live on.

I don't have a job besides my online business so I should have no excuse not to succeed as I will have all the time in the world. Right?

So my main goal is to get lots of traffic to my sites. One way I will accomplish that is by writing lots of articles and making regular updates to my sites. I also want to start blogging on a regular basis.

I also want to eat as healthy as I can so that I will have lots of energy to accomplish all my goals. I have discovered that by avoiding junk food I have a lot more energy, and I eat less! Imagine that, avoid junk food and save money on groceries!

Anyway, most of the time when I make resolutions I only keep about half of them, but this time I decided to follow a few basic rules that will help me to stay on track. Click here to find out how to set goals for success.

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