Sunday, January 31, 2010

Using Google Spreadsheets

Spreadsheets are an absolute must for every internet marketer, or business owner. If you are not familiar with them, then you should familiarize yourself with Google Spreadsheets. These sheets can be accessed from your Google account, and are 100% free, safe and secure, and very easy to use. Plus you can access them from anywhere in the world where there is an internet connection.

If you are new to online marketing, a spreadsheet may seem like a waste of time to you, but as you start building your webpages, and websites you will begin to see the importance of keeping all information stored neatly in one file, a several files. So I recommend you start off by keeping all your information neatly organized in order to avoid having to clean up a huge mess later.

You need to keep track of domain names, and if you are writing for online writing platform such as Hubpages, or Squidoo, you need to keep track of all these URLs as well. You also need to keep track of all the pages within your websites. 

The reason you want to do this is because you will want to continue to build more and more back links to these pages, and if you have them all stored away neatly in one file, you will not have to dig through your site every time you want to create a simple back link. 

You should also keep track of all articles which you may be writing and submitting to article directories. 

You can create multiple spreadsheets in one main sheet to have all your information from one domain, or from one niche all in one main spreadsheet file.

Once you get going in internet marketing you will soon discover that you have registered with more sites, such as social networking sites, bookmarking sites, affiliate networks, and created more usernames and passwords than you can remember. Spreadsheets are an excellent tool to keep track of all this information.

If you are an affiliate marketer, you can use Google spreadsheets to keep track of all your affiliate links; and if you have products to sell, you can use is to keep track all your products and prices.

Earnings and all expenses should also be kept track of, and you can do that with the Google spreadsheets as well.

So no matter what your business you are in, even if you are only a blogger, using a spreadsheet is essential, and in the end, being organized will keep you from pulling out your hair.

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