Sunday, January 17, 2010

Email Marketing

E-mail marketing is an excellent strategy to increase your traffic, sales, and overall success of your website. Those not using this marketing strategy are not operating their business to the full potential, the reason being is when people come to your website, they may never come back unless they get a friendly reminder in their inbox from time to time.

With e-mail marketing what you are basically doing is collecting e-mail addresses which you can then market to others via e-mail whenever you want, day or night. All you need is an autoresponder, and you can get one with Aweber, or Constant Contact. Both have reasonable rates and excellent services.

If you have a new product, program or service, simply send out several e-mails telling your potential customers about the product, and when they can expect to be able to purchase their own. Then when the product is ready for selling, you simply send out another e-mail and watch the money as it comes in. The larger your list, the more money you will make. The great thing about this is that you can even do this with affiliate products and generate affiliate sales.

With an autoresponder you can also pre-program your e-mails and send them out at a specified date and time, or a specific amount of time after the person has entered their email address. This feature is great if you are offering a free course; that way you can specify for them to receive one lesson per day, every other day, or once a week. Plus this free course will continue to generate leads for you for many years to come.

Another option that you have is you can build multiple lists; one list could be for a free course, while another could be, information on your products, upcoming events, and if you have newsletters you can also use the autoresponder to send them out as well. The possibilities are endless.

Whatever you do, only send emails to people who have given you permission to do so, these are people who have signed up through one of your optin forms. If someone opts out to not receive any more e-mails from you, you need to respect that and remove them from your list as they requested.

The best part about e-mail marketing is that you can write your material months in advance and be on vacation when your e-mails go out.

So if you have not tried e-mail marketing yet, then you owe it to yourself to give it a try.

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