Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Importance Of Traffic

Building a website is easy, but getting traffic to your site is a whole different story. The term traffic refers to the number of visitors which come to your website. Many people set up great websites but fail because they are unable to generate enough traffic to pay for their time or their costs.

It really does not matter whether you are making money with Adsense, other affiliate programs, or if you are selling your own products; the math is simple; zero traffic equals zero dollars, but lots of traffic equals lots of dollars.

Now I'm talking a fair amount of traffic of at lest 1-5 thousand visitors per day. If you can get this amount of traffic, then you will make enough to earn a good living. Depending on your market, or how well you monetize your website, you may not even need this many.

SEO is important to help the search engines find you better, plus with SEO you will get more targeted traffic, which will also help to make more money.

Advertising is also very important. You need to take time out of your busy schedule and use sites like twitter, stumbleupon, Digg, or whatever methods you can come across to help get the word out about your website.

You need to develop an effective marketing strategy that will work for you. If you have a lot of time on your hands, then you should take advantage of all the free ways to get traffic, like social media site, article writing, or writing blog posts for others in an exchange for a link to your site.

If you don't have time then you can buy ads from Google, Yahoo, and other web sites. This is the quickest and one of the most effective ways to get traffic without spending a lot of time on advertising. But the costs can add up very quickly. Setting a daily budget will help you to not overspend in this area.

But what about if you have neither time or money? Then you might have to take things at a slower pace, and perhaps use a little of both; use the free ways to get traffic, and also buy a few ads here and there.

Creating a good amount of regular traffic will not happen overnight, so you need to be persistent with driving traffic to your site; if one method fails, simply try another. And if you stick with it, eventually you will succeed.

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