Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Creating Multiple Streams Of Income

You have probably heard the old saying, "Never put all your eggs in one basket." I am sure that it was a good rule to follow in the good old days, but it is even more important for us to follow it today. The way that businesses come and go, we cannot be certain whether any of them will still be around tomorrow. 

So we need to scatter our eggs, or build multiple sources of income, in case one fails, then we still have the other to fall back on. In the physical world this is a tough thing to do, but online, it really is not that hard to accomplish. It just takes a lot of hard work, time and persistence.

All you do is create one blog or website in one niche or market; then build a bunch of mini sites around it, and start writing articles for article directories to get some back links. This will start the flow of traffic, and then all you do is sign up with different affiliate companies and start promoting their products related to your website or blog. You can create as many websites or blogs as you like within one niche and promote as many products, programs or services as you like. 

The hardest part is driving traffic to your website, but once you have established a significant amount of traffic with your mini sites, and articles, you will start making more money than what you ever imagined. 

Then you simply keep repeating the above step in different niches or markets. The first time around will always be the toughest, but once you have the hang of it, you will be able to create a money making website in a very short period of time. 

There are many markets which you can get into that you do not have to know much about, if you can write copy then you can promote those products.

If you like to write you can also write for online writing platforms such as Hubpages, and Squidoo, and make money with Google Adsense, Kontera, Ebay, and Amazon.

There are many affiliate networks, or ad networks which you can sign up with, where you can get paid every time someone clicks.

You can write e-books and sell them, thus building a residual income. A residual income is basically an income where you do the work once, and it will continue to pay you until you pass on.

The possibilities are endless!

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