Monday, January 25, 2010

Getting a Domain Name

When starting an online business it is important that every legitimate business owner has their own domain name. Simply because it makes them look more professional, and it is easier for people to remember instead of a long subdomain.

A domain name is basically your online address, and this is how people find your website. The format of a domain name looks like this: "", and the format of a subdomain would look something like this: "" 

Do you see the difference, and how this could effect your business? Not only is the subdomain longer and harder to remember, but it also makes the website look unprofessional, or untrustworthy. 

Another advantage of getting your own domain name is that you can use it to host your email address on it. Your email would look something like this "". This also makes you look more professional.

So if you are serious about making money online, and establishing your business, then a domain name is essential.

The average cost for a domain name is about $10 per year. Once you claim your domain it is yours for life, or as long as you keep renewing it each year. You do not have to be a business owner, nor do you need a business license to get a domain name.

If you have a particular domain in mind, then you might want to buy it today, because domain names do go fast. As a matter of fact most of the domains with good keywords are already taken. But that does not mean that you can not get a good one for your business, you might just have to be more creative in order to come up with something good.

One of the best places to get a domain name is with Godaddy. They are one of the largest domain registrars online, and offer great services which can be trusted. You can pay for the domain either with paypal or your credit card.

They even give you free hosting with the purchase of a domain name. The only problem with the free hosting is that Godaddy displays a huge ad on your webpages, which does not look very professional.

But you can get very cheap hosting with them for as little as $5.00 per month.

Another great provider is HostMonster; they also allow you to register a domain name and provide you with hosting.

So if you are serious about making money online, then you owe it to yourself to get your own domain name.

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