Friday, February 19, 2010

What Are Affiliate Programs

Affiliate programs are programs which allow you to make money without having your own products to sell. All you have to do is promote other peoples' products and you then get paid a percentage or a flat fee for each sale. 

Affiliate programs have made it extremely easy for anyone to start making money with them. Once you sign up for the program they will give you a unique affiliate ID which will be in every link or banner which you put up on your website. This unique ID helps the merchants to track how many impressions, clicks, leads, and sales were generated through your affiliate link.

With most affiliate programs the ID is automatically inserted into your ad or link. But in order for this to happen you need to sign into your account before getting the link or banner code. Always check to make sure that it is there before placing it on your website.

There are different kinds of affiliate programs which you can join, some will pay for every click, others for every lead, and most only pay after a sale is made. These programs are called: Pay Per Click, Pay Per Lead, and Pay Per Sale.

Pay Per Click programs will pay you for every click on one of your ads or links.

Pay Per Lead programs will pay you for every form that is filled out at the merchants website. This is usually just entering an email address so the merchant can market to the individual.

Pay Per Sale programs will only pay you for every sale that is generated through your affiliate link. These are the highest in pay-out, and every effort put forth within these programs is well worth it. Some merchants will pay you a percentage of the final sale, while others will pay you a flat fee.

Before joining an affiliate program, always make sure to read all the terms and conditions before agreeing to them. Each program is different and it is important that you understand how each program works.

All you need in order to get started with affiliate marketing is a blog where you can put up ads, or your own website. If you want to get started with a blog, then I recommend blogger. It is a great blogging platform which makes it easy to integrate Adsense, as well as Amazon products. 

Then once it is set up, you need to drive lots of traffic to your website if you want to make some real money.


Paul Germana said...

Here's how to get traffic. Use Google 'SEARCH BASED KEYWORD TOOL' to find up to date keyword phrases for your niche. Use 'GOOGLE ALERTS' to enter key questions (in parentheses) formed from those precise key phrases. Then use GMAIL, GOOGLE READER (or GOOGLE BUZZ) to receive those alerts and reply with relevant answers at the forums and blogs in which they arise. After leaving comments, be sure to leave your name, email & web address. If possible, depending on the rules of the blog you comment in, you should leave an anchor-link in one of the keyword phrases you reference in your answer; but no more than one. This will multiply the viral potential of your keyword reply to a keyword question. Your site will flood with traffic!!!

Paul Germana said...

Anyone should be able to bring traffic to their website, blog or affiliate page, simply by getting out and visiting other blogs, commenting on those blogs and leaving their link as they go. This creates more & more back links as they progress on. Unfortunately, just hopping from blog to blog defies relevancy when you come across other blogs that are not related to your niche, (affiliate marketing, cooking, auto repair, etc.) Therefore keyword research is absolutely necessary in order to pinpoint numerous blogs where you can identify and create interactive link popularity.

One should create key questions and enter those questions (in parentheses) into Google Alerts, then receive their updates in Google Reader and begin replying to the alerts, which are fully based on their keyword questions. Leaving their link in these blogs and posting in these blogs if permitted creates back-links and establishes excellent SEO. I am happy to share this with anyone, anytime for free.

Helen Reimer said...


Thank you for leaving your comments. I agree with your input on leaving comments, and how effective they can be if you do it right.

Paul Germana said...

Yes mam, there are a lot of people trying to make us think that internet marketing is difficult. These people want to make money without social networking or writing articles or commenting on blogs. They lie to themselves and others. If you get a free to promote product, put it on your free blog and begin sharing it with others, you'll make money. And as you share it, you'll find ways to increase your impact on the reading public. This was very common knowledge when the internet first began to thrive. But now people lie and say that things like "saturation" destroy your ability to reach readers and prospects. There is no such thing as 'viral', there is just the internet which moves at lightning speed and targeting your "key audience". (for free) You can sell anything! If I can be of any help, you contact me ok? Paul Germana