Tuesday, June 29, 2010

How To Make Your Dreams Come True

Everyone has a dream whether they realize it or not. And every dream no matter how great or how small it is, is achievable. If may not happen over night and you will have to work hard but if you do not give up you will succeed. Naturally some dreams are easier and faster to achieve than others. 

At times it may seem like it is you against the world and your dreams may seem as though they are unachievable, but you have to look on the bright side and keep working on them every day. 

You need to develop a strategy that you can use to make all of your dreams come true.

Setting Your Long-term goals 

You need to decide where it is that you want to be in life. If you had everything you ever dreamed of, all the money in the world, all the freedom, and all the time, what would you do, and where would you be.

Then once you know what your dreams are, you simply break them down into smaller goals which you can work on everyday.

So if your dream is to live in a beautiful home out in the country then you need to set smaller goals that will help you get there.

You will need to figure out how much money you will need, and then you simply go out and get it. There is enough money to go around so that you can make all your dreams come true, but it will not just show up on your door-step one day, but instead you have to go out and get it. It may take a lot of time and energy which you will have to sacrifice, but the end results will be well worth it.

Setting your Short-term Goals

Your short-term goals should be a break down for your long-term goals. These should be broken down into months, weeks, days and even hours. Sometimes you may have to break them down into years, depending on how big your dream is. But whatever you do, make sure that you are not overwhelmed by your tasks, as that may cause you to give up.

Working On Your Dream

Once you have your long-term and short-term goals figured out, you need to start working at them. This means you have to work at them every single day. Some days the work may seem tedious but you will be glad you worked hard once your dreams are fulfilled. The hours and the hard work you put in will seem like a very small sacrifice at this time. 

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Why You Should Become A Blogger

There are probably just as many bloggers online as there are webmasters. Many bloggers simply blog for the joys of blogging, but many who are in it for the money rake in huge fortunes.

The potential to make money with blogging is just as great as it is by having a website. But money should not be your only motivator to start and maintain a blog, as there should always be a personal reason or motivation behind every blog.

For The Joys Of Blogging

I see so many bloggers who have high ranking blogs but no product to sell, nor are they advertising any affiliate products, or have any ads on their blog. They simply blog because they enjoy blogging. This gives them a chance to make a difference in the world.

If you want to make blogging an adventure (but still make money), then you should venture into a market where you enjoy the topic. You can still make money, but it will feel a lot less like work, and you will have more motivation to keep it updated on a regular basis.

To Make Money

If you are looking for ways to make money online, then you definitely want to blog for the income. It may take a while before you see a steady stream of income, but if you stick with it, the money will eventually come.

The methods which you can use to make money with blogging are endless. If you have your own products you can sell them on your blog. If you do not have your own product you can promote affiliate products. There are affiliate programs to compliment any niche or market, sometimes you just may have to look for them, but they are out there.

You can also place many ads on your blog, like Google adsense, Kontera, or product ads from your affiliate programs.

To Work At Home

Last but not least, the most important reason why you should blog is so that you can work at home, and forget about commuting to work each day. It will give you more time to spend with your family, plus, you may also have more vacations.
So if you don't have a blog yet, now is the time to start blogging. You can get a free blog with
Blogger or WordPress. If you want to put ads on your blog then you should use Blogger because with WordPress you cannot put any ads up. 
ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure IncomeBlogging For DummiesBlogging for Bliss: Crafting Your Own Online Journal: A Guide for Crafters, Artists & Creatives of all Kinds

Friday, June 25, 2010

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is where you promote other peoples products in exchange for a share of the revenue. This allows the companies to save money on advertising because they only have to pay when you make a sale. Plus you do not need your own products in order to get started to make money.

There are many different ways that you can go about with affiliate marketing, some of them require that you have your own website, but you can also make money with affiliate marketing just by using social media and blogs. Some ways are more effective, and you will have to experiment which methods are the most effective for your market.

Writing Product Reviews

The best way to make money with affiliate marketing is by writing product reviews. This allows you to describe a product in full detail, including the pros and cons. By including the pros and cons, you can help your customers to make in informed decision before purchasing the product. 

This also gives you the chance to convince your customers why they should buy the product and what it will do for them. You should try to answer any questions that your customers may have to ensure that they will buy through your link.

Ads And Banners

If you have a website or a blog you can put up ads and banners which are related to your content on your website. These ads and banners will do the selling for you, this way all you have to do is create related content around them, and then drive lots of traffic to your blogs or website.

But be careful that you do not put up too many of these ads and banners, as your website or blog may be deemed as a spam site. This will hurt your rankings in the search engines, and you will receive less traffic from them. A couple of ads that convert really well is better than a lot of ads which do not convert.

Affiliate Links 

You can also promote affiliate products by placing your affiliate links directly within your content. You can host your content on blogs, your website or on social media sites, provided they allow you to post affiliate links. You can even use Twitter to tweet your affiliate links.

Making money with affiliate marketing will still take some time to get your business off the ground, but it is one of the quickest ways to make money online. 

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Drop Shippers

Drop shippers have teamed up with websites like EBay to allow you to put up listings using their products, and then when they sell, the drop shipper will ship the products. So you are basically the middleman between the drop shipper and your customer. 

There is a lot of controversy about whether or not you can make money online by using drop shippers. But this is the perfect way to get started as you do not have to have an inventory of products which you may not be able to sell.

Why Use A Drop shipper

Drop shippers allow you to get started with making money online without any costs to you. You don't pay the drop shipper until you place an order. Be careful though as there are drop shippers who will charge a low monthly fee for their services. 

You don't need a warehouse or any kind of storage to store any products. You simply advertise the products on EBay, your website or on your blog. Then when someone places an order from you, you simply place the order with your drop shipper. You just have to make sure you enter your costumer's mailing address and the drop shipper will ship the product directly to your costumer. 

If you do not use a drop shipper you will be required to order large quantities of inventory that you might not be able to sell.

Can You Make Money With Drop Shipping

To be honest with you, you will make a lot more if you have your own warehouse, so that you can buy your products in large shipments. But most people do not have this type of storage or the money to order in large quantities, which is why drop shippers are a convenient way to get started.

The money that you make with drop shipping will be in small amounts as some of the profits that you make will be split between you and the drop shipper.

But be careful who you choose as your drop shipper as some of them are not wholesalers but really are the middleman and the prices you will pay are not wholesale. Dealing with these middleman could very likely end up costing you more than what you make. If you do not get your products at wholesale products you will not make money. 

So always be sure to thoroughly check out each company before you do any business with them. 

Monday, June 21, 2010

Why You Should Use SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a term for optimizing your website so that search engines will be able to find you faster, and also give you a higher ranking. A higher ranking will mean that they will send you more free traffic. And believe it or not, the traffic which the search engines send you, is by far the best traffic which you could hope for.

Eliminate Marketing Costs

When taking small steps to properly naming your links, or building lots of back links you will not have to spend as much money into marketing, as you will be receiving a larger volume of traffic from the search engines.

Now this does not mean that you cannot spend the same amount into marketing, but you won't have to, and still make some great money.

Higher Conversion Rates

If your website is poorly optimized, then the search engines will not be able to send you targeted traffic. This will increase your bounce rate as the visitors will not find what they expected to find, and therefore they will simply leave your site without looking around.

But if you get a lot of highly targeted traffic, then they are much more likely to buy from you, or at least spend more time at your website.

More Traffic

One of the ways you can optimize your website is to build lots of back links to your website. The more back links you have coming in from other sites the more traffic you will get from those back links. Plus, you will also receive more traffic from the search engines, as they will naturally help you to rank higher.

What Can You Do To Optimize Your Website

There are many things which you can do, but one of the most important things which you can do, is to provide your visitors with accurate information. Your meta tags and description tags should always be accurate to the content which is on your webpages.

Your meta description tags contain the information which is displayed in the search results, so always make sure they are accurate, as this is the easiest way to mislead your visitors. This may seem good when you think of the visitors you may get, but in the end you are the one who will end up hurting as the search engines will stop sending you traffic.

It will take some time to build back links and get your webpages optimized, but the end results are well worth it, as you will make a lot more money.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Keys To Online Success

Finding success online does not have to be hard but it may take a while, so you will need to have patience if you want to succeed. There is no secret formula which will grant you success online and you will have to come up with your own methods and strategies for success. 

However, there are a few things that you can do that will help you to build your online business. 

Willingness To Learn

Your willingness to learn is one of the most important abilities which you can posses if you want to work online. You will have to learn things like how to do a market research, how to set up your website or blog and then how to effectively market your business. 

Then once you think you know it all, the rules will change and so you keep learning in order to stay on top of things. 

Hard Work And Dedication 

Starting your online business will take a lot of hard work and dedication. Unless you have money to pay for marketing or your content creation you will have to spend every waking moment of your free time into your online business.

You may also have to spend a lot of time in learning how to write effectively, or how to type fast. 


Starting your online business will take a lot of time and perseverance. You may not see any profits for the first six months to a year and you may feel like giving up. But if you do not give up at this time and keep going you will reap the rewards of your hard work and dedication.

Avoiding Negativity 

You may find that the majority of people will not support you as you start your online business. Many will tell you that you are wasting you time, and that you will never be able to make any money online, and that you should just go and get a real job. 

But whatever you do, do not listen to these people as they don't know what they are talking about. Associating with them on a regular basis will cause their negativity to rub off on you and this is the last thing you need. 

So stay focused on your dreams and on your goals and keep working on them everyday, no matter what anybody says. For you will succeed if you do not give up, and once you do, they will come to you asking for advice on how they can get started as well.
Guidelines for Online SuccessWhat Is Success: The Scepter & Bell RecordingsTeleseminars - a Powerful Tool for Online Success

Thursday, June 17, 2010

How To Avoid Distractions

When working at home, you may soon find yourself unable to work because of all the distractions you have to deal with. But there are ways to somewhat eliminate your distractions so that you can still get a fair amount of work done.

Get An Office

The best way to eliminate distractions is to designate one room as your home office. This will get you away from the commotion and you will be able to avoid most distractions.

If you do not have such a room you may want to look for a quiet corner.

Turn Off The Phone

When turning off the phone you should always make sure to leave your answering machine on so that you can return any missed calls.

You should also turn off your email client or any other alerts which you may be getting on your computer.

Ear Plugs

Sometimes you may not have the convenience of your own office and may have to resort to a corner somewhere in the same room as where everyone else is. This situation could make it rather difficult for you to concentrate on your tasks, so you may want to use earplugs so you can tune everyone out until your work is done.

This allows everyone else to continue with their activities, and they won't resent you for trying to do your work at this time.

Earplugs can also be helpful if your office is situated in a noisy neighborhood where you cannot avoid the noise of children playing or barking dogs.

Be Organized

Being organized can also help you to avoid getting distracted. This means you should have all your files, pens and notebooks in a place where you know where to find them, so that you will not be distracted by having to look for them when you need them. This will also help to save you a lot of time.


Generally you will not want your music on, but in certain situations on-going music may help you to drown out any noise in the background which is distracting you. This could be from cars and trucks driving by your street, as well as your children, or the neighbor's children as they play outside.

There will always be distractions which you cannot get rid of, but by getting rid of those which you can get rid of, you will increase your productivity and will be able to stay more motivated to work.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Free Gifts To Give Away

Giving away free gifts is a great way to jump-start your online business. They will help you to establish your online credibility, plus they will help you to get more free traffic by marketing the free gift on article directories or social media sites.

Free gifts do not have to be expensive, but they should be gifts which you could sell at a decent price, and others should be able to benefit from them in one way or another. Never give away anything that you would not buy, as this could hurt you more than help you. So what are some of the gifts that you could give away? Here are a few ideas to get you started.


Ebooks are the most popular and most effective gifts to give away for free. Once you have taken the time to create the ebook you will have no costs to ship it or anything as your customers can simply download it online.

Ebooks can be anything from product information, statistics, motivational, or tutorials. As long as it is related to your business you can give it away.


Videos are also a great way to entice people to come to your website, or to gain their trust. These could be to demonstrate how your products work, more information, or just to walk your customers through certain steps regarding your products.

Product Samples

If you are selling products which can easily be put into samples then this is a great product to give away. To keep the shipping costs down, you could offer the samples along with an order, or have the customer pay the shipping.

When giving away free samples make sure that it is in your budget to do so, as the costs could add up quite fast.


You can also hold a special contest and give away free prizes to the winners. Again these prizes can be anything from an ebook to an actual product which you can ship. When you are giving your product away as a prize you should never charge the shipping fee to the winner, as this may come as a surprise to them and they may not return back to your website.
If you are just starting your online business then free samples or prizes may not be suitable because of the high costs involved, so before you give these away, make sure that it is in your budget to do so.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

How To Manage Your Time

Starting your home based business will take a lot of your time so you may find yourself working at it every waking moment of spare time that you have. Therefore it is essential that you learn how to manage your time efficiently. 

Starting Your Work Day 

When your alarm clock goes off in the morning do not hit the snooze button, as this will only make you lazy, making it harder for you to get started in your day. If this means that you have to go to bed an hour earlier then do so. 

You should start your work day as early as you can everyday, and spend at least 15 minutes to half an hour of brainstorming and deciding what you will do that day. This will help you to stay focused throughout your whole day so that you can get more done. 

Take Frequent Breaks 

Studies have shown that if you take a short five to ten minute break every hour, it increases your productivity. Use this time to drink lots of water or eat fresh fruits and vegetables to refuel yourself. Taking a break will also help to eliminate the stress of looking at the computer, from typing or from sitting in one position for too long. 

Go for a short walk after lunch to get some exercise as well as fresh air. This fresh air will stimulate your brain cells, allowing you to get more work done. 

Set A Schedule 

Make a schedule for yourself of when you will work and then stick to it. During your work sessions you should turn off your telephone as well as your email or any other alerts that you might be getting. This will help you to avoid distractions so that you can stay focused on your work to get if done faster.

If you turn off that telephone make sure that you have your answering machine on so that you can return any missed calls. People should understand that you are working and that you cannot always pick up the phone when it rings. 

Use A Timer

Give yourself an allotted time slot for each task, and then set a timer to motivate yourself to get the job done within that time frame. If your task is not completed within that time frame, move on to the next task if possible. This method will motivate you to pick up your pace. 

Now of course when you work at home you can always go at your own pace, but by managing your time effectively you will make more money, plus you will have more time for social activities.

Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free ProductivityTime Management In an Instant: 60 Ways to Make the Most of Your Day (In an Instant (Career Press))Successful Time Management For Dummies

Friday, June 11, 2010

Save Time By Using Multiple Computers

For the most part you only need one computer when working online, but if you have several websites or blogs to maintain you may find it useful to have several computers which you can work on. This makes it easier for many different reasons and will help you to be more efficient.

Easier For Bookmarking

If you are in several different markets then a computer for each market will come in handy, as you will be able to keep your bookmarks organized for each market.

This will also allow you to save all your account logins so that you can login automatically without having to log out, and then log in with the other account. This alone can save you a lot of time.

Taking Notes

If you do a lot of research for your writing then you may find that 2 computers are essential, as you can search for the information using one computer, and use the other to take notes. This eliminates the need to write it down, plus typing is a lot faster, and thus you save a lot of time.

Plus saving your notes on a computer will save you from having to deal with a lot of files which tend to build up over time, making it almost impossible to find your notes when you need them.


Having multiple computers will allow you to still continue to work when one breaks down. Additionally you won't have to put up with a slow computer when you do your periodic scans, or when defragmenting your hard drive.


Having several computers at your desk will allow you to easily switch between projects without you having to close them down before starting a new project. This way when you get stuck, simply go to the other computer and work on something different until you are ready to go back to your earlier project.

Stay Organized

Having more than one computer will help you to stay more organized as you can keep everything separate. The amount of files and programs stored on each computer will only be a fraction of what they would be if you only had one, and thus you will be able to find your files much faster.

You should have a laptop where you can easily have access to all accounts such as email, twitter or any program which you use frequently. This way you can take it with you where ever you go, and still stay in touch.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

How To Stay Motivated

Motivation plays a major role on your success. If you are not motivated, then you will not have the willpower to continue at your dreams until you succeed. Even though you start your online business with great motivation, you could soon find yourself in a place where there is none left.

So when you end up in this place you need to pick yourself up and keep going, but not ending up in this place to begin with will be a lot easier than if you have to pick yourself up.

So How Do You Stay Motivated?

Keep working. Make a list of all the things you need to do in order to make your dreams come true. Then every day before you begin your work, go over this list and decide what you need to do for that day. Then as you complete each task simply scratch it off your list. 

Doing this creates a chemical in your brain which is known as dopamine. Dopamine makes you feel good. And when you feel good, you will be motivated to work hard, and create even more dopamine.

Reward Yourself

You should find a way to reward yourself for each task that you complete. But you should set a deadline for each task so that you will be motivated to complete it so that you will still have time to enjoy your reward. Your reward could be anything like a game of solitaire, or any game which stimulates your brain. 

If it is a major task which you completed you could reward yourself with a greater reward, such as a weekend get-away.

Whatever you do, do not reward yourself with a heavy meal like fast food, or candy as this will weigh you down, making it harder for you to start working again.

Avoid Certain Foods

Avoid certain foods like fast foods, or any heavy meals that contain saturated fats or are high in sugar. These foods will give a rush of energy, only to have you collapse after an hour or so. You should also avoid alcohol and certain drugs which make you drowsy (if possible).

Get Up Early 

Getting up late is the worst thing for de-motivation. There is nothing like looking at the clock and realizing that it is already 9 o'clock and you have not accomplished anything. So the sooner you get up in the morning, the more motivated you will be to work hard all day.

Monday, June 7, 2010

How To Motivate Yourself

If you do not have a boss looking over your shoulder, then you will have to motivate yourself to work hard. This may not be easy at first, but once you get going and you begin to see positive results from your work, it will be second nature to you.

But nevertheless, there are several different ways in which you can motivate yourself and keep yourself motivated.

Write Down Your Dreams

One way to keep yourself going is to write down your dreams and keep the list in a spot where you will see it everyday. You can post pictures, notes and reminders all throughout your house to constantly remind you of your dreams and goals.

Meditate on Your Dreams

Whenever you have a moment you should meditate on your dreams. You should picture yourself in the position you want to be once your dreams have come true. If your dream is to live in a nice house, then you should picture yourself living in that house. If your dream is to go on vacation, pretend that you are working on a sandy beach, or on the balcony of a 5 star hotel.

Meditating on your dreams as well as your goals will also help you to stay focused on what you need to do.

Make a List

Make a list of tasks that you will need to complete in order to make your dreams come true. Then as you complete each task, you can cross it off. You will be amazed at how much it motivates you when you can cross off an accomplishment. Therefore the more you accomplish the more you will be motivated to accomplish even more!

By making a list and keeping the old lists you can also go back periodically and see how much you have accomplished. This way you will not be as overwhelmed when you look at the long list of things which you still need to do.

Stay focused

Many like to multi-task, because they think they are more productive that way, but studies have shown that you get more done if you stay focused on one task until it is done.

It is okay to take on several different projects at once, but you should keep your tasks organized so that you can stay focused. Staying focused will also help you to achieve your goals faster.

When you come to the point where you do not feel like working, just remind yourself of where you want to be, and how good it will be, and before you know it, you will have found a new serge of energy to get the job done.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Where To Get Ideas For Your Articles

When you set up your blog or website you will constantly need new ideas for your content. There may be times when it will seem as though you have written about everything that you can, but you will still need to write more. So what do you do when you come across this situation? Where can you get more ideas? 

The truth is, ideas are everywhere around you, you just need to look for them. 

Your Experience 

There will always be a lot to write from your experiences, even though you may think you have covered it all. There is still a lot more to cover, you may just have to look at it from a different perspective. 

If you discover that you really have covered everything, then you need to learn something new, pick up a new hobby, or take an evening course.


When it seems as though you are at a dead end you should start reading other peoples' writings as you will be inspired by them. This does not mean that you should copy other writings but by reading them you will be able to combine the information with your knowledge for a totally new article, and a totally new point of view. 

Google Trends 

Google trends will help you to find out what people are searching for. Then all you have to do is write about it. Sometimes you will have all the answers off the bat and other times you will have to do some research but this doesn't have to take you long. This method will also ensure that you will get fair amounts of traffic to your content, because folks are searching for it.

Yahoo Answers 

This is a place where people can go to ask questions and anybody can answer them. But even though the questions are already answered you can still write a more thorough answer for your readers, as many may have had the same questions. 

Ask Your Readers 

Last but not least, the best why to find out what to write about is to ask your readers. They will let you know what they would like to know more about and then you simply do the writing. It doesn't get any easier than that.

There are many other ways to get your ideas, in the park, at the mall, or even at the grocery store...if you keep your eyes and ears open you will always have something to write about.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

How To Provide Content On A Regular Basis

If you are a blogger or webmaster you should get in the habit of providing your readers with new content on a regular basis. This will not only keep your readers happy but the search engines as well. 

By updating your website or blog on a regular basis the search engines will know when to come and index your site and any new webpages which you may have. So the benefits are just as great for you, because you will get search engine traffic much quicker.

Not uploading on a regular basis will cause your website or blog to fall from the rankings within a matter of days, and it is hard to get that ranking back up.

Write In Advance

Always write your content well in advance, as you never know when you will encounter an emergency. Most blogs allow you to upload your blog posts and schedule them months in advance. But make sure to keep a note or some kind of reminder to let you know when to upload more content, as you could easily forget.

If you do not have a blog, but are uploading your content to your website you can still create your content in advance, but you will still have to take the time to upload it on a regular basis. But if you have your pages done, uploading will only take a few seconds. You can also hire others to do the uploading for you if worse comes to worse.

Have Others Write For You

If you do not have time to create new content on a regular basis you can always have other people to do the writing for you. There are lots of people who are willing to write for a reasonable amount of money. Simply advertise on Elance, Guru or even Craigslist and you should get lots of applications.
If you have a blog which focuses a lot on your personal success or achievements, then you may not want others to write it for you, or you may not want to write in advance. But even if it is a personal blog you can still have some content which you can upload and schedule in advance. This content can be very general, like a how to, or other information which is not time sensitive.

It will take some time to create this much information, and it will be hard to keep it up at first, but eventually it will get easier.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

How To Use Forums For Back Links

Forums are a great way to create many great back links to your website. Not only will you get many great back links but you can also get lots of free traffic. Plus hanging out in the forums is a great way to socialize and take a break from your work. 

With so many forums around today you should be able to find a forum in any niche or market. Every forum is different and has a different set of rules which you must abide by if you want to participate. So be sure to read these before you begin.

So How Can You Build Back Links?

Most forums allow you to add a signature which will show up with every post that you make. So the more posts that you make the more back links you will create. These posts can be anything from asking a question to answering a question. 

You can also start a new thread with a new post that will be a help to someone else. With any kind of post you make, you can add links to other websites including your own as long as you are within the guidelines of the forum.

How Often Should You Post?

You can post in the forums as often as you like making at least one to several posts per day. The more you post the more back links you will build. 

When posting make sure that you do not spam, and make sure that every post is helpful so that others will be able to benefit from it in one way or another. If others see you as a spammer they will simply ignore you and not click through to your website and you may even get suspended from the forum.

Which Forums Should You Post On

When posting on forums with the intention of building back links you should look for forums with high rankings in the search engines. The higher the forum ranks the more valuable the links will be coming from those forums. 

There are free tools which you can download to help you find the page rankings of different websites. 

So spending a few hours each day in several high ranking forums will give you a tremendous amount of free traffic to your website. This is the fastest way to build legitimate and quality back links to your website. But forums should not be your only means of building back links, as the more websites that are sending you traffic the better you will do in the search engines.